Can you imagine 57 of these monstrosities being plunked down in Gangjeong village to build the Navy base on Jeju Island? This caisson is being built in a nearby village. People there have begun to protest as well.
Professor Yang receives an Indie movie award as "this year's face"- As you can see in the photo above Professor Yang is looking good as he recovers from his 70-some day long hunger strike. I've recently heard that some Gangjeong villagers, who had sold out to the Navy, have asked if they could return to the village. A discussion was taken and they have been accepted back. This likely means a couple things: first, that maybe life away from the village was not so green after all and secondly, maybe they are seeing a growing movement against the Navy base and their hopes for success are building. It is obvious that something is happening in the village as many new people are coming there and staying to help with the fight. The beauty of the place and the determined non-violent struggle is touching the hearts of many. You can keep up with all this on the Facebook page that is a great resource.
- There is now a petition on-line to support the Jeju Island campaign. These signatures will be presented to South Korean President Lee at the end of July when an international delegation holds a news conference at the Blue House in Seoul before heading to Jeju Island. You can sign the petition here
- Yesterday I spent the day working on getting things ready for a national and international mailing to promote our annual Keep Space for Peace Week. I wrote a cover letter, talked several times with an artist who is doing our poster, and then worked with our design person who is doing the flyer and is our contact with the printer. Lots of loose ends to tie up to get it all together. The poster this year is going to be very different from those we've made in the past.
- As I write this Congress is close to making final decisions on the Pentagon budget for 2012. It appears that $648.7 billion will be passed for the military budget, including $118 billion to continue the wars. The Washington Post reports, "Obama is proposing significant reductions in Medicare spending and for the first time is offering to tackle the rising cost of Social Security, according to people in both parties with knowledge of the proposal. The move marks a major shift for the White House and could present a direct challenge to Democratic lawmakers who have vowed to protect health and retirement benefits from the assault on government spending." No surprise here, more of the same accommodation and sell-out by Obama. Polls have shown over and over again that the public massively opposes cuts in Medicare and Social Security but do support tax increases on the rich and cutting war spending. Obama is proving to be the best president the Republicans could ever have because he not only gives the corporate oligarchy everything they want but he also keeps the "left" neutralized. The best the Democrats seem able to do is pass a non-binding "resolution" that says the rich should pay their fair share. More showmanship as they join their president in cutting the throats of the poor and working class.
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