Sunday, July 31, 2011


This photo is Enchanted Pond where MB and I spent the past week in a cabin. It's actually a lake but Mainers like to call them ponds.

One day we took a canoe around the entire pond and had lunch on the porch of an old cabin on the other side. It was wonderfully quiet. We took several long hikes in the woods or on old logging roads. Getting to this camp (which has seven cabins) took a long 12-mile ride on dusty and rocky roads from the main highway. We only left the camp once, on my birthday, to go into the town of Jackman so I could get a wireless connection at the local library and have dinner at a local restaurant.

I read three books, slept late everyday and talked with some of the others who were at the camp, including a couple who were both Maine hunting/fishing guides and like to come to Bulldog Camp on their free time. Their hound dog chased rabbits in the woods for an hour at a time.

Because of my severely skinned knee I was not able to swim in the amazing pond - my biggest sadness during the week. The water was calling me, calling me - I love to swim. Ugh!

The cabins had no electricity but did have gas lights and stove. One night I made a fire outside and cooked on the grill.

We saw no moose, bears, deer or fish. We did hear loons calling one evening and enjoyed the many birds that flew around us. We picked wild blueberries and raspberries on our walks.

So it was just what we both needed....a week away from it all..... sleeping , reading, walking and eating.

Now that I am home the garden needs tending and I have much work to get caught up with. It's nice to be back.


Saturday, July 30, 2011


Art and words from Sung-Hee Choi from inside prison on Jeju Island, South Korea.

Global Network has sent board member Matt Hoey (Massachusetts) to Gangjeong village for the next two weeks to bring our support and to send back the latest information to us. Matt has created a new Save Jeju Island website and will be posting videos and photos from the embattled village while there.

You can see the web site here

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Jeju Island Activist Sung-Hee Choi Interviewed in Prison

By David Vine, July 26, 2011

Last week, I had the honor of going to prison. I was conducting research on South Korea’s beautiful Jeju Island, off the country’s southern coast, and was lucky enough to be one of the two people per day allowed to speak with the renowned imprisoned activist Sung-Hee Choi.

Choi was arrested for her attempts to prevent the construction of a naval base in Jeju’s Gangjeong Village, a base that many suspect would become a new port for the U.S. Navy. Despite the opposition of people like Choi, who has repeatedly laid her body in front of construction equipment, the South Korean government has been trying to create a base on Jeju since at least 2002, on an island that South Korea has declared, no less, an “Island of Peace.” Twice already, protestors have forced the government to find another construction site.

In the newest site, Gangjeong, where thousands of tons worth of construction supplies sit near the water, the base would pave over a delicate and rare volcanic beachfront, endanger local marine life, and destroy the heart of a beautiful seaside village. For five years, Gangjeong’s people have been struggling to stop the base.

Over the weekend, hundreds of South Korean police started assembling around Gangjeong in what villagers feared would be an imminent attempt to evict them by force from their permanent seaside protest site. This week, after protestors chained themselves to trees to block a police front hoe, the arrival of several politicians appears to have reduced tensions and forced the police, at least temporarily, to halt their eviction plans.

The following are Sung-Hee Choi’s words from our conversation last Thursday. I have lightly edited the transcript for ease of reading. Tomorrow morning, I return to Jeju to monitor the ongoing standoff with Sung-Hee’s powerful words still fresh in my mind.

SUNG-HEE CHOI: The United States and South Korea use military exercises in the Asia-Pacific region that are aimed against China not North Korea. There is big evidence that the United States will want the Jeju naval base, even though this is officially denied every time: They say, “This is not a U.S. naval base. This is a South Korean base.” So this is really a trick. They are really deceiving people. There is no problem for the U.S. military to use it. First, the U.S. and South Korean mutual defense treaty, which was signed in 1954, allows the United States to use of all South Korean military facilities. Second, the SOFA [Status of Forces Agreement] facilities are really meant for the U.S. military. Third, the U.S. military strategic flexibility policy under which South Korea has allowed U.S. forces in Korea to assume expanding regional and global roles beyond deterring North Korea.

The United States military can clearly use any South Korean base.

It is not only the military, but also corporations like Samsung and Daerim that are benefiting from the building of the base. It is not only a military part, but also the commercial part. What I am afraid about is the entrance of fascism in the whole island.

DAVID VINE: Fascism?

SUNG-HEE: Yes, fascism. Yes. In the mainland, and now Jeju island is being dominated by Samsung.

A base on Jeju would be a tragedy for Jeju Island and its people, because of what they have already experienced in 1948, when the South Korean military massacred 40,000 [accused communists].

Jeju’s people’s history is one of struggling against outside powers: the United States and Japan. U.S. military weapons [were involved in the massacre] just a few years after the South Korean liberation from Japan. Jeju's own identity is constant. Jeju has been the victim of the outside powers.

Why are we still struggling? Not only for the environment, but also for the history of the Jeju island and South Korea, which have been struggling against the powerful countries.

Another thing that I am thinking is that, day by day, Jeju island is a red button for the United States military. The United States already occupies all of the region that it covets. The United States already occupies Hawai’i, Okinawa, Philippines—or, they used to. Now they want to occupy Jeju island. This is a peace island. This is for peace. Now the vision of the peace activists here is for keeping the island as a real peace island.

Brother Song [a fellow activist] and [former Jeju Governor] Shin Goo-beom have tried to find alternatives for villagers for how to develop Gangjeong village for our future generation. One option is to build a UN Peace School. They are all talking about this. And also the chairman and the villagers’ committee, they are all talking about this. That needs to be our vision. That needs to be our ultimate goal. That is a concrete vision to create a real peace school for future generations in Jeju island.

And I really hope that you can talk about how the villagers are suffering. How they love their hometown. I really hope that you will please communicate how the islands in the Asia-Pacific region are now a target of an empire base for the United States.

DAVID: Why do you think there are so many people who are so dedicated to the struggle? Like yourself. People willing to go to jail. People willing to go on hunger strikes. There are many anti-base movements but people seem to be very passionate, and I wonder why—either personally for yourself or for others—you think people are so dedicated, so strong in their opposition?

SUNG-HEE: As I have written before, I feel a responsibility to talk for the voiceless animals and creatures who cannot speak. Second, for our future generations who will be the victims of war if we don’t stop the base. I think the villagers love their hometown so much. It is their hometown. They love it so much.

It is about love. It is about a love that cannot speak. It is about the sea that cannot speak. It is about the creatures who cannot speak aloud. We are basically talking about, we are basically talking….

And then, an automated voice and background music abruptly cut Sung-Hee off, announcing that our time had expired and instructing visitors to leave quickly. Sung-Hee grabbed her pen and the scrap of paper next to her and furiously wrote a few final words. She held the paper briefly up to the glass between us before a guard took her away. The paper read:

It is about love for the people who cannot speak now.

It is about love.

David Vine is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at American University in Washington, DC, and the author of Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (Princeton University Press).

Saturday, July 23, 2011


You can sign a petition to draft Sen. Bernie Sanders to run for president here



A couple years ago I saw a nice pair of shoes in a local store here in Bath. Then I noticed they were made in Israel. I told the shopkeeper I won't buy Israeli products. I told her my reasons and she replied, "No one has ever said that to me before."


Mary Beth and I leave this morning for one week vacation on a lake near Jackman, Maine. It's a quiet place with no electricity, no Internet, no phone service. So there will be little for me to do except to read, sleep, walk, eat, canoe, and maybe swim.

I say maybe swim because yesterday I stumbled over my big feet out in the yard and skinned one of my knees so the swimming will have to wait a couple of days. But all the rest should be fine - especially the eating, reading and sleeping parts.

So there won't be much here on the blog for the next week. I know you might be disappointed, considering what you pay to read this thing, but service will resume on July 31.

While I am gone I expect Obama to end the wars, to tax the rich, and to leave Social Security alone. A man can dream you know. Maybe you all will force him to do these things in my absence - if that happens I might consider extending my vacation another week in celebration.

Best to you all.

By the way, I won't really be fishing.

Friday, July 22, 2011


The new form of slavery in the U.S.....prison labor.

During World War II the Nazi's in Hitler Germany put Jews, Communists, gays, prisoners of war, and others they hated inside concentration camps and used them as slave labor.

Inside a mountain tunnel called Mittelwerk Hitler's secret rocket team used slaves to build the V-1 and V-2 rockets. Just outside the tunnel was Camp Dora where tens of thousands of slaves were housed for the operation. An estimated 20,000 Dora forced laborers died: 9,000 died from exhaustion and collapse, 350 were hanged (including 200 for sabotage), and the remainder died from disease or starvation (or were shot).

After slave construction, the rockets were taken to northern Germany to a place called Peenemunde where they were tested under the direction of Werner Von Braun.

Rather than put the Nazi's who ran this place on trial for crimes against humanity, the U.S. smuggled 100 of the top rocket scientists (Operation Paperclip) from Mittelwerk into our country following the war along with 100 copies of the V-2 rocket. These Nazi's were used to create the U.S. space program. Von Braun later became the leading scientist in the US military quest to take control of space.

One can only begin to wonder if the seeds planted back in 1945 have begun to sprout inside the jails of the USA.

See a related story about the U.S. Air Force pulling a Christian-themed training session that used a quote from an ex-Nazi SS officer (Werner Von Braun) and numerous passages from the New and Old Testament to teach missile officers about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear weapons.


Peace activist Bryan Law tried to disarm a military helicopter at Rockhampton airport in Australia, three other peace activists were arrested for trespassing on military training area.

This was part of the resistance to the Talisman Sabre US-Australian military exercises that have become an biennial event.

The bulk of the war games are concentrated at the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area which is a pristine environmental area. Shoalwater Bay is a noted dugong habitat and is part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Marking 10 years of endless war and occupation in Afghanistan and beyond. The people are being bleed to pay for these wars and need to stand up and rattle our chains. Make something happen in your community in October.


What Could Truly End the Space Program? A Nuclear Disaster Overhead

By Karl Grossman

What is NASA’s future now that Atlantis has landed and the shuttle program is over? If NASA persists in using nuclear power in space, the agency’s future is threatened.

Between November 25 and December 15 NASA plans to launch for use on Mars a rover fueled with 10.6 pounds of plutonium, more plutonium than ever used on a rover.

The mission has a huge cost: $2.5 billion.

But if there is an accident before the rover is well on its way to Mars, and plutonium is released on Earth, its cost stands to be yet more gargantuan.

NASA’s Final Environmental Impact Statement for what it calls its Mars Science Laboratory Mission says that if plutonium is released on Earth, the cost could be as high as $1.5 billion to decontaminate each square mile of “mixed-use urban areas” impacted.

What‘s the probability of an accident releasing plutonium? The NASA document says “the probability of an accident with a release of plutonium” is 1-in-220 “overall.”

If you knew your chance of not surviving an airplane flight—or just a drive in a car—was 1 in 220, would you take that trip?

And is this enormous risk necessary?

In two weeks, there’ll be a NASA mission demonstrating a clear alternative to atomic energy in space: solar power.

On August 5, NASA plans to launch a solar-powered space probe it’s named Juno to Jupiter. There’s no atomic energy involved, although NASA for decades has insisted that nuclear power is necessary for space devices beyond the orbit of Mars. With Juno, NASA will be showing it had that wrong.

“Juno will provide answers to critical science questions about Jupiter, as well as key information that will dramatically enhance present theories about the early formation of our own solar system,” says NASA on its website. “In 2016, the spinning, solar-powered Juno spacecraft will reach Jupiter.” It will be equipped with “instruments that can sense the hidden world beneath Jupiter’s colorful clouds” and make 33 passes of Jupiter.

As notes Aviation Week and Space Technology: “The unique spacecraft will set a record by running on solar power rather than nuclear radioisotope thermoelectric generators previously used to operate spacecraft that far from the Sun.”

The Mars rover to be launched, named Curiosity by NASA, will be equipped with these radioisotope thermoelectric generators using plutonium, the deadliest radioactive substance.

Juno, a large craft—66-feet wide—will be powered by solar panels built by a Boeing subsidiary, Spectrolab. The panels can convert 28 percent of the sunlight that them to electricity. They’ll also produce heat to keep Juno’s instruments warm. This mission’s cost is $1.1 billion.

In fact, Juno is not a wholly unique spacecraft. In 2004, the European Space Agency launched a space probe called Rosetta that is also solar-powered. Its mission is to orbit and land on a comet—beyond the orbit of Jupiter.

Moreover, there have been major developments in “solar sails” to propel spacecraft. Last year, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launched its Ikaros spacecraft with solar sails taking it to Venus. In January, NASA itself launched its NanoSail-D spacecraft. The Planetary Society has been developing several spacecraft that will take advantage of photons emitted by the Sun to travel through the vacuum of space.

At no point will Juno (or the other solar spacecrafts) be a threat to life on Earth. This includes Juno posing no danger when in 2013 it makes a flyby of Earth. Such flybys making use

of Earth’s gravity to increase a spacecraft’s velocity have constituted dangerous maneuvers when in recent years they’ve involved plutonium-powered space probes such as NASA’s Galileo and Cassini probes.

Curiosity is a return to nuclear danger.

NASA’s Final Environmental Impact statement admits that a large swath of Earth could be impacted by plutonium in an accident involving it. The document’s section on “Impacts of Radiological Releases” says “the affected environment” could include “the regional area near the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and the global area.”

“Launch area accidents would initially release material into the regional area, defined…to be within …62 miles of the launch pad,” says the document. This is an area from Cape Canaveral west to Orlando.

But “since some of the accidents result in the release of very fine particles less than a micron in diameter, a portion of such releases could be transported beyond…62 miles,” it goes on. These particles could become “well-mixed in the troposphere”—the atmosphere five to nine miles high—“and have been assumed to potentially affect persons living within a latitude band from approximately 23-degrees north to 30-degrees north.” That’s a swath through the Caribbean, across North Africa and the Mideast, then India and China Hawaii and other Pacific islands, and Mexico and southern Texas.

Then, as the rocket carrying Curiosity up gains altitude, the impacts of an accident in which plutonium is released would be even broader. The plutonium could affect people “anywhere between 28-degrees north and 28-degrees south latitude,” says the NASA document. That’s a band around the mid-section of the Earth including much of South America, Africa and Australia.

Dr. Helen Caldicott, president emeritus of Physicians for Social Responsibility, has long emphasized that a pound of plutonium if uniformly distributed could hypothetically give a fatal dose of lung cancer to every person on Earth. A pound, even 10.6 pounds, could never be that uniformly distributed, of course. But an accident in which plutonium is released by a space device as tiny particles falling to Earth maximizes its lethality. A millionth of a gram of plutonium can be a fatal dose. The pathway of greatest concern is the breathing in plutonium particle..

As the NASA Environmental Impact Statement puts it: “Particles smaller than about 5 microns would be transported to and remain in the trachea, bronchi, or deep lung regions.” The plutonium particles “would continuously irradiate lung tissue.”

“A small fraction would be transported over time directly to the blood or to lymph nodes and then to the blood,” it continues. Once plutonium “has entered the blood via ingestion or inhalation, it would circulate and be deposited primarily in the liver and skeletal system.” Also, says the document, some of the plutonium would migrate to the testes or ovaries.

The cost of decontamination of areas affected by the plutonium could be, according to the NASA statement, $267 million for each square mile of farmland, $478 million for each square mile of forests and $1.5 billion for each square mile of “mixed-use urban areas.”

The NASA document lists “secondary social costs associated with the decontamination and mitigation activities” as: “Temporary or longer term relocation of residents; temporary or longer term loss of employment; destruction or quarantine of agricultural products including citrus crops; land use restrictions which could affect real estate values, tourism and recreational activities; restriction or bands on commercial fishing; and public health effects and medical care.”

As to why the use of a plutonium-powered rover on Mars—considering that NASA has successfully used solar-powered rovers on Mars—the NASA Environmental Impact Statement says that a “solar-powered rover…would not be capable of operating over the full range of scientifically desirable landing site latitudes” on this mission.

There’s more to it. For many decades there has been a marriage of nuclear power and space at NASA. The use of nuclear power on space missions has been heavily promoted by the U.S. Department of Energy and its predecessor agency, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, and the many DOE (previously AEC) national laboratories including Los Alamos and Oak Ridge. This provides work for these government entities. Also, the manufacturers of nuclear-powered space devices—General Electric was a pioneer in this—have pushed their products. Further, NAS has sought to coordinate its activities with the U.S. military. The military for decades has planned for the deployment of nuclear-powered weapons in space.

Personifying the NASA-military connection now is NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, a former NASA astronaut and Marine Corps major general. Appointed by President Barack Obama, he is a booster of radioisotope thermoelectric generators as well as rockets using nuclear power for propulsion. The U.S. has spent billions of dollars through the years on such rockets but none have ever taken off and the programs have all ended up cancelled largely out of concern about a nuclear-powered rocket blowing up on launch or falling back to Earth.

Accidents have happened in the U.S. space nuclear program. Of the 26 space missions that have used plutonium which are listed in the NASA Environmental Impact Statement for the Mars Science Laboratory Mission, three underwent accident, admits the document.

The worst occurred in 1964 and involved, it notes, the SNAP-9A plutonium system aboard a satellite that failed to achieve orbit and dropped to Earth, disintegrating as it fell. The

2.1 pounds of plutonium fuel dispersed widely over the Earth and Dr. John Gofman, professor of medical physics at the University of California at Berkeley, long linked this accident to an increase in global lung cancer. With the SNAP-9A accident, NASA switched to solar energy on satellites. Now all satellites—and the International Space Station—are solar-powered.

There was a near-miss involving a nuclear disaster and a space shuttle. The ill-fated Challenger’s next mission in 1986 was to loft a plutonium-powered space probe.

The NASA Environmental Impact Statement includes comments from people and organizations some highly critical of a plutonium-powered Mars Science Laboratory Mission.

Leah Karpen of Asheville, North Carolina says: “Every expansion of plutonium research, development and transportation of this deadly material increases the risk of nuclear accident or theft. In addition, plutonium production is expensive and diverts resources from the more important social needs of our society today, and in the future.” She urges NASA “to reconsider the use of nuclear” and go with solar instead.

Jeremy Maxand, executive director of the Idaho-based Snake River Alliance, calls on NASA and the Department of Energy to “take this opportunity to move space exploration in a sustainable direction with regard to power. Using solar rather than nuclear to power the Mars Science Laboratory Mission would keep the U.S. safe, advance energy technologies that are cleaner and more secure, be more fiscally responsible, and set a responsible example to other countries as they make decisions about their energy future.”

Ace Hoffman of Carlsbad, California speaks of “today’s nuclear NASA” and a “closed society of dangerous, closed-minded ‘scientists’ who are hoodwinking the American public and who are guilty of premeditated random murder.” He adds: “The media has a duty to learn the truth rather than parrot NASA’s blanketly-false assertions.”

NASA, in response to the criticisms, repeatedly states in the document: “NASA and the DOE take very seriously the possibility that an action they take could potentially result in harm to humans or the environment. Therefore, both agencies maintain vigorous processes to reduce the potential for such events.”

Involved in challenging the mission is the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space ( Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Maine-based organization, says that “NASA sadly appears committed to maintaining their dangerous alliance with the nuclear industry. Both entities view space as a new market for the deadly plutonium fuel.” Says Gagnon: “The taxpayers are being asked once again to pay for nuclear missions that could endanger the life of all the people on the planet…Have we not learned anything from Chernobyl and Fukushima? We don’t need to be launching nukes into space. It’s not a gamble we can afford to take.”

With the return of Atlantis and end of the shuttle program, there are concerns about this being the “end” of the U.S. space program.

An accident if NASA continues to insist on mixing atomic energy and space—a nuclear disaster overhead—that, indeed, could end the space program.

Karl Grossman has been a professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury for 32 years. He is a specialist in investigative reporting. He is the author of Cover Up: What You Are Not Supposed to Know About Nuclear Power. He is the host of the nationally aired TV program, Enviro Close-Up.

You can send a comment to NASA opposing the launch of plutonium into space here


Gangjeong villagers were angered by the remarks of Cho Hyun-oh, chief of the National Police Agency, who visited Seogwipo and called for tighter control against "interference of business" and emphasized stronger law enforcement against opponents of Navy base construction. So they took their protest to the police HQ building.

Gangjeong villagers have become a pain in the ass. They are a pain to the Navy, to the police, to the governor of Jeju Island, and to their President Lee. Becoming a pain is how you win struggles like this.

The people of Vieques, Puerto Rico became a pain in the ass to the U.S. Navy in their long-time fight to close a bombing range on their island home. They finally succeeded after they occupied the range, got pushed off and then returned over and over again. They faced arrests and pressed on. They brought people from around the world to visit Vieques which helped make their cause an international concern.

My friends in Perry, Florida were facing the U.S. Air Force creating a bombing range in their rural community and asked me to come speak some years ago. I told them they had to become a pain in the ass if they hoped to win. They took the advice and won their fight by creating lots of non-violent turmoil in their community.

Signs are starting to appear that the Gangjeong strategy of being a royal pain in the ass is working. A mainstream newspaper in South Korea, The Kyunghyang Shinmun, has just written an editorial calling for cancellation of the base. Here is a bit of that piece:

Opinion calling for the construction to be suspended is growing, but the authorities are pushing the construction even harder by doing things like arresting villagers, and in turn are coming under fire for growing tensions.

There are so many reasons why the naval base construction on Jeju-do should be suspended. The construction of the base was initially pushed in accordance with the strategy of creating a "Navy of the Ocean."

This was a call to contain China and Japan by sending warships into more distant seas rather than just the coastal waters at a time when the naval competition in Northeast Asia is intensifying.

This was accompanied by arguments that a forward base was needed to secure stable shipping lanes and protect and develop maritime resources.

At a cost of 958.7 billion won, the South Korean Navy plans to build by 2014 a civilian-military port complex that could simultaneously dock about 20 warships, including Aegis warships, and two 150,000- ton cruise ships.

The base construction plan was full of holes from the very beginning, however. The village chief at the time of the selection lost a no-confidence vote when it was revealed he manufactured village opinion on the matter.

When it was revealed that the area where the base was to go was a preservation area in which construction would be impossible, the GNP-led provincial legislature rammed through a motion to strip it of its protected status. It also ignored that the area was a UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve.

Recently, moreover, there has been a major change in the situation for which this project must be suspended. Since the sinking of the Cheonan, the government has abandoned its "Navy of the Ocean" strategy, placing instead priority on responding to North Korean strength.

In May, a military reform bill that virtually abandoned the Navy of the Ocean strategy was passed by the Cabinet. Accordingly, it is natural that the base construction project be reconsidered from the very beginning.

It also must be seriously considered that if the US navy uses the base in accordance with the Korea-US Mutual Defense Pact, it could provoke China, as pointed out last week by progressive US intellectuals like Noam Chomsky.

The construction of the Jeju-do naval base must be suspended immediately. Even if we accept the claim that there is a need for the base for security reasons, we should reconsider the project after suspending the construction.

As construction is less than 5% complete, it would be no great loss even if construction were stopped. The construction of the base is a grave matter directly tied with national security. It is not something to be pushed by a single province and the Navy alone.

The government must now step forward and resolve these long-pending tensions, not ignore them as something taking place in a small corner of the country. (Editorial, The Kyunghyang Daily News. July 18, 2011)

Couple this with growing international support for the villagers and you have the stars aligning for the eventual defeat of this Navy base plan. With the U.S. Navy pushing the South Korean government behind the scenes to build the base it will be hard to stop but this editorial indicates a growing weariness with the controversy.

My advice to the Gangjeong villagers is to stay at it. It's called stick-to-it-ivness. Keep the pressure on and keep reaching out to folks around the world for their support. It's a strategy that has worked before and can work again.

You can sign the petition to Save Jeju Island here

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Emboldened by the 'Freedom Flotilla's' attempt to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza by sea, some Gazan fishermen have been trying to sail beyond the three nautical mile limit imposed by Israel.

The Oslo Accords allowed fishermen to work within 20 nautical miles of the coast, but Israel later reduced the limit on the premise that allowing more space will potentially allow Gazans to receive smuggled weapons.

Israel responds to the fishers' actions with water cannons, and sometimes with live gunfire.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


  • Remember that other war and occupation? The one that Obama says is Iraq? There are still more than 45,000 U.S. troops there (and god knows how many "civilian" operators) but they were all supposed to be gone by the end of this year. U.S. authorities keep "hinting" to Iraq that "we'd be happy to stay if you just asked us to do so" but so far no formal request has been made. Things are heating back up in Iraq these days with more bombings and more U.S. troops being killed lately. Watch the magician's hands closely on this one.

  • The latest Republican plan to deal with our fiscal problem is the so-called “cut, cap and balance” measure now under House consideration which would require annual spending caps and a supermajority to approve tax increases. This would ensure the death of any and all social spending in the U.S. and would virtually cement us into paying taxes for nothing more than wars and corporate welfare. It's not likely to go very far as it is but sadly the Republicans have learned that when they propose extreme proposals like this the Democrats end up "meeting them in the middle" and some of it becomes law. Opinion polls are showing that growing numbers of the public have lost all confidence in either party to solve this economic mess. We must keep repeating this line over and over again: Tax the rich and Bring Our War $$ Home.

  • The Navy's Blue Angels will be in Brunswick, Maine to headline an airshow the weekend of August 27-28. Veterans for Peace will hold a protest at the front gate of the former Naval Air Station from 11am to 1:00 pm on that Saturday. These airshows are major recruiting events for the military as they snatch up legions of unemployed young folks and make them think that they will get to fly fast airplanes if they just sign on the dotted line. They later find themselves in a fox hole in Afghanistan or scrubbing the deck of an Aegis destroyer. Not much glamor there. The slogan for the protest will be - Real Angels Don't Drop Bombs!

  • AFRICOM, the newest Pentagon regional command in charge of putting U.S. bases on the African continent, is busy these days buying hearts and minds for the war machine. They've put a black Army general in charge of AFRICOM and are working hard to ensure that the U.S. has control of the vast resource base on the African continent. Of course the U.S. is flooding the continent with weapons and "technical advisers" and will be pushing the many client states they control to make their military forces "interoperable" with the U.S. military. Who can doubt that the Pentagon is the military arm of corporate globalization?

Monday, July 18, 2011


Mr. Ko after his arrest

Not a North Korean, not a man better than North Korean either

Republic of Korea (ROK), why do you arrest my friends? They were just trying to protect Gureombi, the living Rocks which give inspiration. Can you see the beautiful Gureombi? Professor Song, Kang-Ho and Ko Kwon-Il are innocent. They were just men who protect the sea and the beach of Gangjeong, just the keeper of peace.

In the morning of 17th July, before trial, a few people stand alone protesting in front of the Jeju local court. In the silent standing, please listen, please listen carefully the humble shouting.

At 11 am, the Jeju local court started trial, and finished around 12:00. Around 13:00, within the short 1 hour, the decision had been made. Professor Song, Kang-Ho and Ko Kwon-Il, one of the main leader in Gangjeong against naval base, will be detained in prison just like Choi, Sung-Hee’s case. In a very short time, they too will be moved from police station to prison.

If disturbing Samsung or Dalin’s business profit or interfering the ghost-like naval base is a sin, then what about murdering Gureombi, what about constructing the naval base in the absolute conservation area? Isn’t it a sin?

Navy of ROK, you can apply the injunction to 77 villagers. Samsung, Dalin, you can request the police to arrest the keeper of peace and environment for guarding the unjust profit. But all these unwise behaviors cannot undermine the justice. Our mind is clear about this.

When one of my friend protested alone in front of the naval base, a navy solider came and asked him “Are you a North Korean?” For them, are all the people who stand up against the naval base according to their conscientiousness the enemies such like people of North Korean? Is that true?

I wonder what’s the difference? If we all got a chance to look deeply into the eyes of North Korea soldiers, and we look back again the eyes of the ROK soldiers, will we find out big difference between them? If we find the loyalty to the country and the discrimination to each other in both eyes of the North and South, if we also see the love of them to their family and friends, and the happiness, anger, sadness, and joyfulness in both eyes of the North and South, then which side could really be like “North Korean”? What is "North Korea" which they mentioned?

Is the issue of Naval base construction only between North and South? Is the issue of Naval Base construction only the North East Asia regional problem? Isn’t it an issue, an problem or an barrier between just you and me?

Yesterday in the trial, the judge asked Bro Song and Mr. Ko: if we released you, will you repeat doing the same things? They answered that if the police would have monitored and stopped the illegal construction in time which will bring the irreversible damage, then why must we take action like this by our own.

If not, following their conscientiousness, how can they not practice righteousness and justice? Please listen carefully with your heart, listen to the shouting from the humble people.

Emily Wang
Jeju Island

Sunday, July 17, 2011



The reason the scousers never buy The Sun (a Murdoch newspaper) is because after the Hillsborough Football disaster which killed many Liverpool fans, The Sun said that the Liverpool fans themselves were to blame as they were drunk. At the end of the day the inquiry found that it was clearly all the fault of the police. "The word "scouse" is a shortened form of "lobscouse", derived from the Norwegian lapskaus (and/or the German Labskaus), a word for a meat stew commonly eaten by sailors. In the 19th century, people who - supposedly - commonly ate "scouse" became known as "scousers"."

Thanks to Facebook friend Jill Gough (Wales) for that explanation.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Roger Leisner holding our 2nd place award for the parade's most original entry

We invited U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) to hold the puppets hand and pose for a photo. I took advantage of the moment to talk to her about the Bring Our War $$ Home campaign

We had a good group of us in the Hallowell parade today near the state capital in Augusta, Maine. As we were waiting to begin the parade we noticed Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) nearby so we invited her to come over and pose for a photo with the puppet.

She graciously did and while she stood next to me I told her we needed for her to be more vocal about ending the war in Afghanistan. I said that we had such great need here at home for our war $$. She replied, "Oh, I understand what you are saying." She went on to say that the Obama plan should get us out in a couple of years and I told her we can't afford to wait. I asked her, "What happens in two years when the corrupt government in Afghanistan is not able to 'take over' security operations?" She didn't seem to have much to argue with me about her position, almost like she was running out of gas.

I told her how our two Congresspersons in Maine (Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree) were now routinely voting against war spending and they had not been politically injured by voting that way. Again, I told her we needed her to be more forceful.

You could help move Sen. Snowe toward a stronger position on war spending by sending her a message here

Please let her know how you feel about wasting all these $$ on endless war.

After the parade 13 of us got together for a planning meeting of the Bring Our War $$ Home Campaign at an office just across the street from the state capital in Augusta. We advanced our efforts for the statewide 30-day Care-a-van (Sept 10 - Oct 10). We are encouraging peace groups across the state to organize local events during that period in observation of the 10th year of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. We also made the decision to purchase radio ads across Maine during this time.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, August 27 in Brunswick from 1-3 pm following the Veterans for Peace protest at the Navy Blue Angels airshow at the former Navy base. The protest will run from 11am - 1 pm. All are invited.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I am on the bus heading home. It's been a long day of traveling, first on bus from Ocean City, Maryland (I had a great visit with my cousin) to Washington DC where I took the Metro to the airport and then a plane to Boston. Then back on a bus to Portland where MB will pick me up for the 45 minute car ride home. A 13-hour trip in all.

I've kept up with my emails a bit and posted some of the sad news from Jeju Island below. Have not heard much about the July 15 trial yet that Sung-Hee Choi and eight others were facing. I did see something about the trial being delayed until August. That's the third time Sung-Hee's trial has been delayed since she went to jail on May 19.

I've been trying to stay in touch with the U.S. debt crisis controversy in Washington. I'd call it good cop-bad cop as both parties are surely going to keep whittling away at the "social safety net" for the poor and the elderly. The vast majority of Americans want higher taxes on the rich and they want the war $$ brought home but neither party is listening to what the people want. The Dems control the White House and the Senate yet they keep giving way to those in the other wing of the corporate controlled Congress.

I've got to get up early in the morning to head to Hallowell, Maine where a big parade is held each year (kind of a late 4th of July parade) and we are going to have a large Bring Our War $$ Home contingent doing our thing. Last year we joined it and right in the middle of the parade we stopped, made a big circle in the street, and began chanting "Bring Our War $$ Home" and the crowd starting chanting along with us. Was quite wonderful.


Very tragic news to report from Jeju Island in South Korea.

At the crack of dawn on Thursday, undercover police officers came to Gangjeong village and arrested three major leaders of the peaceful resistance: Village Chief Kang Dong-Kyun, renowned peace activist Brother Song Kang-Ho, and base opposition leader Ko Kwon-Il.

The South Korean Navy (ROKN) and Minister of Justice Lee Gui Nam also issued a notice to Gangjeong village leader Kang Dong-Kyun and 76 other villagers and peace activists. This notice is a threat to these 77 individuals and civil society organizations for disturbing the construction of the naval base. It specifies the following:

(1) These 77 individuals are banned from getting into the public water or land near the Joongduk coastline where the naval base will be constructed.

(2) The notice bans the staff and volunteers from five civil society organizations – Peace-Life Association, Jeju Environmental Association, SPARK, Frontiers, and Gangjeong Village Association – from entering the water and land near the naval base site.

(3) It orders the removal of all facilities from the resistance site within seven days.

(4) In the case that the facilities are not removed, the Navy and Minister of Justice will charge the village leader Mr. Kang for removing these facilities.

(5) The village leader Mr. Kang will be responsible for paying the Navy 5,000,000 Won ($5,000 US dollars) for each case of violation.

The South Korean military is trying to quash the resistance by arresting its leaders and inciting fear among the peaceful villagers who are fighting for their land, community and livelihoods. As one of the activists wrote, “I feel the martial law atmosphere here.”

The truth is: the villagers and their leaders are not alone. There is a growing tide of people from throughout the Korean peninsula and around the world who are behind them.

Please forward this to the media and as many people as possible to update them of what is happening. For those in the United States, please call the South Korean Embassy in Washington, DC tomorrow and let them know the repression against the villagers communicates to the world that South Korea has returned to the era of authoritarian rule.

Please also send an email to U.S. Ambassador Kathleen Stevens and let her know that U.S. Forces in Korea oversee the South Koran military, and as American citizens we won’t stand for more military destruction in the name of so-called national security. Email Ambassador Stevens:

Call the South Korean Embassy in Washington: (202) 797-6343

We must not let the Lee Myung Bak regime repress democracy. We must not let darkness snuff out the hope that has inspired so many people around the world to act for peace. We must remain firm in our resolve to support those courageous villagers who are standing up to their military and government. We must join them in saying, “No Base on Jeju Island.”

For more information on the Save Jeju Island effort please visit

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Latest bad news from Gangjeong village. The South Korean government is trying to push all protesters away from the rocky coastline and from the ocean.

Tomorrow there will be trail for 9 people on Jeju Island. Please pray for them. Kang-Ho Song, KwonIl Ko, JongHwan Kim, Kyong bo Jeong, Hyoknam Kim, JongDae Che, Bongheon Kim, Jin Taek Jeon, SungHee Choi. They were the people who had been arrested on 19 May, when the construction companies had demolished tents and vinyl house on Joonduk coast and arrested Sunghee. Sunghee has been in prison since then.

Jeju District Prosecutors' Office plans to merge her case and other 8 case together. So at the same day all of 9 people should stand trial on court.

In addition.....

1. yesterday, 14 villagers of Kangjeong got the claim for damages from Navy through Jeju local court. The total amount is 289,780,810 Won (annual interest rate 20%)
in this claim, there is not any activist but all Gangjeong villagers

2. today, 72 persons + 5 organizations got a letters "Notice of the interrogation date". This interrogation is regarding "applying by Navy, prohibition for disturbing construction and its provisional disposition"

What the government wrote..

1. the offeree shoud not get in public water surface area, cannot disturb applicant [Navy] using the public water surface area and their staying.

2. the offeree should not do any kind of behaviors that could be disturbing construction work in each public water surface areas

3. the offeree Peace-Life Association, Jeju-Participation Enviromental Association, SPARK, The Frontiers, Gangjeong village cannot let the staffs or member of them violate No. 1 and NO. 2

4. the offeree Gangjeong village, Kang dong Kyun, Ko Kwon Il, Kim Yeong Sam should remove all facilities in this area, in 7 days since date of determination to deliver the original copy

5. The offeree Gangjoeng village, Kang dong kyun, Ko Kwon Il, Kim Yeong Sam, in case of default number 4, applicant can let the executors who applicant delegated could remove these facilities by the cost of The offeree.

6. the executors should announce properly regards its purpose.

7. The offeree in case of default the number 1, 2, or 3 responsibility, then, the executors can make the appropriate disposition in order to remove the violation.

8. The offeree in case of default the number 1,2, ro 3' responsibility, then the offeree should pay to applicant 5,000,000 Won for each case of violation.

9. applying cost is coverd by the offeree' charge

The Offeree list
1. Kang Dong Kyun
2. Kang Moon Sin
3. Kang Min Bu
4. Kang Seong Bo
5. Kang Seong Won
6. Kang Yong Gun
7. Kang Yong Bo
8. Kang Jong Gun
9. Kang Jeong Sun
10. Kang Jeong Sun
11. Kang Chong Ja
12. Kang Hee Ung
13. Ko Kwon Il
14. Ko Nam Seng
15. Ko Nam Suk
16. Ko Myong Jin
17. Ko Bok Jun
18. Ko Si Lim
19. Ko Yeong Jin
20. Ko Jong In
21. Kim Gab Duk
22. Kim Kyong Il
23. Kim Kyong Ja
24. Kim Kyu Nam
25. Kim Mi Ryang
26. Kim Min Soo
27. Kim Bu Yong
28. Kim Bu Hyun
29. Kim Se Ri
30. Kim A-Hyun
31. Kim Yeong Sam
32. Kim Jae Hu
33. Kim Jong Il
34. Kim Jong Hwan
35. Kim Tae Won
36. Kim Hun Sob
37. Kim Hun Seong
38. KIm Hun Chol
39. Park Se Beom
40. Park Youn Ae
41. Song Kang Ho
42. Song Yeong Sub
43. Yang Yoon Mo
44. Yoon Kyong Pil
45. Yoon Gun Ho
46. Yoon Sang Don
47. Yoon Sang Hyo
48. Yoon Yeong Pil
49. Yoon Yong Pil
50. Yoon Chan Bum
51. Yoon Chang Sub
52. Yoon Chun Gwang
53. Yoon Ho kyong
54. Lee Dal On
55. Lee Dok Gun
56. Lee Bang Gun
57. Lee Yang Jun
58. Lee Yong Ja
59. Lee Jeong Hoon
60. Lee Hang Jun
61. Im Sang Beum
62. Jeong Kyong Bo
63. Jeong Sun SeonJ
64. Jeong Yeong Hee
65. Jo Kyong Chol
66. Jo Su Jun
67. Jo Seong Bong
68. Jo Yong Jin
69. Jo Yong Hun
70. Jin Se Jong
71. Choi Sung Hee
72. Han Jeong Ae
73. Life-Peace association represetative : Hwang Dae Kwon
74. Jeju participation emviromental association representative: Lee Ji Hoon, Jo Seong Yoon.
75. SPARK representative Moon Kyu Hyun
76. The Frontiers Hur Chol
77. KangJeong Village Leader Kang Dong Kyun


Wednesday, July 13, 2011




My dear friends,

There are many reasons I thank you for signing the petition to stop the naval base on Jeju Island – and any one would be enough.

First, nine years ago when I saw this island at the tip of South Korea, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It is said that the only people who do not know Jeju is the most beautiful place on earth are those who have not seen it. From snow peaks, wild flower covered hills and ancient nutmeg forests to goddess groves and coral reefs, there is good reason why UNESCO named it a World Natural Heritage Site.

That would be enough.

So would the truth that the world does not need one more monument to death and destruction taking money, human effort, energy and resources away from preservation and life. As an American, I am ashamed that a naval base is being built to support U.S. nuclear-powered submarines – the same ones now being serviced elsewhere. As global citizens, you and I have a duty to stop it.

This May, I went to Jeju again, and saw two more living realities.

First, I stood on the edge of the sea where volcanic rock carries fresh water streams down from the snow peaks, and saw workmen breaking up those rocks so that their huge machines could descend and pour cement over living coral reefs. Even the dolphins were crying.

Then I met with dozens of people from Gangjeong which is the closest village. They’ve been living in tents on this shoreline for four years, braving weather, arrests and absence from their families in order to protest a naval base that endangers their land, their livelihoods and their guardianship of this ancient island. Only bribes and illegalities have given the government of South Korea any pretense of democracy. The people want you to know that is a lie.

Several outsiders there – from South Korea itself and from as far away as France – came to support them, and just stayed. One young couple have been there for six weeks, with only the clothes they arrived in.

This contagion is causing the South Korean Defense Minister to pressure the Prime Minister to accelerate its construction. It has caused the Navy to say it will destroy the trail to the protestors’ camp and cut local power lines that broadcast this resistance.

In other words, the resistance is working.

This is how you and I can help the villagers, save our World Natural Heritage, and stop natural destruction in the name of military destruction:

1. Forward this petition to at least 10 friends and family. If each signer does this, we could have nearly 20,000 more signatures --fast.

2. Go to the website: and do at least one of the actions on the "Get Involved" page.

If we stop this naval base, it will be contagious for peace, the environment, and democracy.

Jeju Island means Women’s Island. It stands for an ancient balance. We must save it from the cult of militarism that endangers us all, women and men.

With high hopes,

Gloria Steinem

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Our trial yesterday was continued to August 29 after a confused beginning that was caused by the government lawyers handing out a document to our lawyers as we arrived in court that changed the charges against us.

A new law was passed in Washington DC in May that made it easier to prosecute those who protest at places like the White House. So the prosecution decided to charge us in violation of that new law. But our arrest was on March 19 so our lawyers asked for a dismissal of these charges for obvious reasons. The judge denied our request for dismissal.

But then as the judge tried to proceed with the process it became clear that he could not move forward because when he asked the defendants if they had seen a copy of the charges against them everyone answered No because we had just been made aware of the new charges that morning. How could we be expected to properly prepare for trial when the government had changed the charges?

So back we come on August 29. My take on the whole thing is that the system is a total mess. I can't imagine how anything gets done.

So now unexpectedly having extra time on my hands, I made my way to Ocean City, Maryland to visit my long-lost cousin who has a vacation place on the shore. When my mother divorced my father when I was about two years old I was torn from the Gagnon side of the family. My cousin, the son of my father's brother, tracked me down and we've been corresponding for several months. It has been wonderful to make contact and much to my utter joy he is a fan of the Baltimore Orioles and The Kinks. It seems impossible to believe but it is true indeed.

It's what I'd call heaven sent.

Monday, July 11, 2011


I am sitting in the courtroom a half hour before our trial is to begin. Luckily they have wireless here. A real nasty young woman U.S. Marshall just came into the room looking for bombs and is bossing those of us in here around. I see they pick hard and unhappy people for the job.

We held an hour long vigil outside the courthouse where we stood behind banners and signs and sang songs. One TV camera showed up and filmed statements from several of our people. We handed out copies of our news release to folks on the street who would take them.

In the photo above are four others who are here on trial for our March 19 protest at the White House. Yesterday we met at a local church for several hours to make plans for today. We have two volunteer attorneys and some of the 19 defendants will represent themselves.

I stayed at the Catholic Worker House last night and friend Art Laffin, who lives there, is also on trial today.

It will be interesting how this all plays out. Art says our judge, who heard a recent trial when Guantanamo protesters had the charges dropped on a technicality, was moved by testimony about international law as justification for that particular protest and arrests. So we'll soon find out how open he really is.

The judge just came in and I'd better shut this down for now. More later.

Just one other note: I got an email this morning from South Korea saying the villagers had purchased a boat and motor with the funds we raised at their request. They had enough left over that they will also purchase a sea kayak. So many thanks to those of you who contributed to the fund.

Saturday, July 09, 2011


  • I am running out the door and will make this quick. Yesterday the House of Unrepresentatives voted 336-87 to pass the 2012 Pentagon Appropriations bill that will fork another $649 billion into endless war. Of the 336 votes in favor were 112 Democrats. Only 75 Dems voted against the bill (including both our representatives from Maine). Many members of the Congress Progressive Caucus voted in favor of the military spending bill. They are the same people complaining about cuts in social spending. You can see how your member of Congress voted by clicking here

  • I heard yesterday that the City Council of Los Angeles, California has voted in favor of the Bring Our War $$ Home resolution. Good news there.

Friday, July 08, 2011


Famous South Korean Catholic priest Father Moon arrives in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island on a new scooter given to him by the nation's head bishop.

Latest news from an activist in Gangjeong village:

Yesterday the Republic of Korea's defense minister pushed the prime minister to accelerate the heavily dangerous construction of the Gangjeong naval base.

As you may know that military base is meant to be one of the main center of weaponry deployment in all Asia and Pacific…

Today we, activists struggling within the construction zone, faced three strong attacks led by the Korean-US government:

1. The national government is on his on way to cut the local electrical power lines that help us to broadcast the situation to all of you internationally.

2. The destruction of the touristic lovely trail that pass in our resistance camp, in front of the construction site has been announced.

3. Articles have been published today in several famous national newspapers, dishonestly qualifying us as "a bunch of dangerous pro-North Korean government communists". National media brainwashing... Here, there is no so-called dangerous people, among us Gangjeong activists, but only conscious beings that work for peace.

Soon the trial of 8 of our most devoted and influential activists will start (15th of July), they are accused of obstructing the military construction works. They are accused of being active humanists.

Now we are reaching the Zenith of the Struggle for Peace in Asia, in the World.

If you have not yet signed the petition in support of the villagers please do so by clicking here

An interesting bit of coverage below thanks to Twittering friends.....


This weekend I will head to Washington DC to participate in a trial for the non-violent civil disobedience I took part in last March in front of the White House. It was the second time I was arrested for protesting Obama's wars in the last year...the first time all charges were dropped.


For Immediate Release: July 7, 2011

Contact: Ann Wilcox, (202) 441-3265,,

Elliott Adams, President, Veterans for Peace, (518) 284-2048,

Veterans, Peace Activists to Challenge Arrests in Pro Se Trial on July 11th

Washington, DC:

On Monday, July 11, 2011, 19 veterans, members of the Catholic Worker community, and other long-time peace activists will have a pro se trial in DC Superior Court, stemming from arrests on the White House sidewalk on March 19, 2011. The March 19th action raised issues of the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the cost of the wars to American society, and the continued detention of whistleblower Bradley Manning. One hundred thirteen persons were arrested on the White House sidewalk by US Park Police, and 19 of those will proceed to a trial on charges of Failure to Obey a Lawful Order and Unlawful Assembly-Disorderly Conduct.

At 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11, 2011, the veterans and peace activists will be available to speak with the media. They will then proceed to a trial, which will be held in Courtroom 313 of DC Superior Court.

The activists have traveled from as far away as Maine, North Carolina, and throughout the Eastern US. Veterans range from World War II veterans, to the Vietnam era and beyond. The trial will highlight the defendants' desire to petition their government for redress of grievances in prosecuting two costly wars; their First Amendment Right in doing so; and other legal arguments. Although there are some first-time activists, many of those going to trial have opposed war for most of their lives. They have continued to "speak truth to power" as they did on March 19th at the White House.

Elliott Adams, President of Veterans for Peace, stated: "I am proud to stand with other veterans of America's military, along with committed peace activists, to oppose the illegal and unnecessary wars that are currently being fought, and to highlight the cost to our society. We, who have experienced war, can help to highlight the costs of war, and the importance of ending these wars now!"

Elliott and other defendants will be available to speak with the media at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11th, at DC Superior Court (500 Indiana Ave., NW).



In my latest public access TV show I interview Global Network board member Regina Hagen from Darmstadt, Germany.

Regina has been one of our outstanding leaders for many years - both on the issue of preventing the launch of NASA nuclear power missions into space and on the militarization of space.

Regina holds the distinction of hosting the most Global Network annual space organizing conferences in her country - three times.


It appears that Obama is quickly betraying the working class on the holy grail of Social Security. To claim that cuts in Social Security will help solve the debt crisis is a complete fabrication. But who could be surprised?

Obama was put in office by the oligarchy for a reason. His job was to finish off social progress and expand militarism. He is doing what he was told to do. He is a man of no inner core and, quite obviously, no conscience.

But somehow there still is a group of people out there who defend him. The oligarchy likes that some defend Obama as he cuts their throats. They laugh all the way to the bank.