Tuesday, April 30, 2024

History lesson: We've been here before



A brief history of student campaigns to divest colleges from companies connected to the apartheid regime in South Africa, including at Columbia University in 1977. 

An extract from a special episode 'Divest' from the documentary series ‘Have You Heard From Johannesburg’ charting the global anti-apartheid movement. 

The whole series is excellent and you can watch it in full via Clarity Films at: https://bit.ly/joburg_doc

The big difference between then and now is that the Democrats got onboard the divest-sanction movement against South African apartheid. Today the Dems are fully onboard the zionist genocide train.

Message from Mumia: Cease occupation!


Breathing New Life Into Mass Death



$95 Billion "Supplemental" for More Weapons and War

By Bill Astore

Who knew mass death was such a growth industry? And by “death” I mean not only of humans but of any organism in a war zone.

We humans are a self-absorbed lot. We blast the earth and obliterate life without a thought to the ravages we commit against nature. Indeed, we pass and sign bills for $95 billion for more weapons and war and we dare call it “peace”!

Yes, President Biden thinks “peace” is advanced through weapons and war. It’s a sentiment that recalls Tacitus and his condemnation of the Roman Empire: “They create a desert and call it ‘peace.’”

Speaking of spending on wars and weapons, nobody does it better than the USA.


So, even though the USA spends triple what China does and eight times what Russia does, we’re the nation allegedly most committed to advancing peace. Call it a logic bomb, and we’re the best at producing them.

[Add up all of the US's allies spending and add it to the Pentagon's total.]

No worries: the president says it’s a “good day” for world peace. In Gaza, call it the peace of the grave, as so many innocent Palestinians are buried in mass graves or under rubble.

~ Bill Astore is a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF) and professor of history. He is on the Global Network's Advisory Board. His personal blog is Bracing Views.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Brilliant student leader at Indiana University gets busted


Armed goons, armored cars, choppers, snipers – for the crime of putting up a tent in a park. 

US campuses have become military bases, says eyewitness Bryce Greene. Bryce was banned from the IU campus until 2029.



The cops around the US (many of which have been trained by Israel) are not doing much to repair their  already tainted image. 

It's clear that AIPAC and Israel (and zionist big donors at these institutions) are demanding a crack down on student protests. So far it is more than impressive how the students continue to withstand the attacks and set up the camps again and carry on.

The whole 'antisemitic' charge is nothing but BS. When top political and media hacks are all saying the same thing you know they got the talking points from 'on high'. 

In fact many of the leaders of the protests are Jewish students who themselves totally reject zionism.

In the meantime the Israeli killing continues in Palestine and bombing attacks on Rafah have already begun. 

Mounting disease, famine and no sanitation make certain that many more will die from these horrid conditions which Washington, Brussels nor Tel Aviv care one wit about rectifying.

It's a sad state of affairs when those committing the genocide get a hall pass and peaceful students get attacked, kicked out of school and thrown in jail.

We must do all we can to continue to support these peaceful protests and help spread the love for them as widely as possible.


War crimes report: Rafah expecting the worst from IOF


More than six months into the Israel-Hamas war, 11-year-old Husam fears people will start killing each other for food. Husam is one of over 600,000 children trapped in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza bordering Egypt.

The city was theoretically meant to be a refuge from intense Israeli shelling, but since March this year, the Israeli government has threatened to extend a military invasion there, too, casting a shadow of fear that has been building for months. “The person’s psyche wears out with fear; it’s a slow death,” says Husam as he reflects on the impact of what lies ahead. Meanwhile, nine-year-old Nawja reveals that war has taught her to recognise the distinct sounds of different aircraft and the concept of safe passages.

As Israel continues signalling that it plans to launch a ground offensive into Rafah, Close Up follows Husam and Nawja as they dare to dream of a future free of conflict. Watch No Refuge for Rafah’s Children for a poignant portrayal of life in Gaza’s last “safe zone” as Israel’s ground assault looms.

Argentina's 'starving policies'



Hundreds of thousands of Argentines have rallied against budget cuts which they say could bankrupt universities. 

It was the biggest protest yet against President Javier Milei’s economic 'shock therapy’ to reverse crippling inflation rates. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

DC Police Refuse George Washington University Request To Arrest Students


Student protests are growing all over the globe. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein (center) stands with students in St. Louis, Missouri at Washington University. She and others were soon brutally attack by cops and many, including Jill, were arrested.

By Joe Lauria (Consortium News)

The Washington D.C. police turned down a request by GWU president to clear out the anti-genocide encampment on campus.

From the university’s perspective, it seemed like the perfect time for the police to move in and break up the students’ anti-genocide camp:  3 a.m.

George Washington University had given the students until 7 p.m. on Thursday night to clear out. Instead more than a thousand students from other area universities and other supporters flooded the university yard, forming a circle around around the camp.

As the time advanced beyond midnight the crowd dwindled, leaving the encampment less protected.  It seemed logical that under the cover of darkness, with fewer media also present, the police would intervene, as they have on a growing number of campuses around the United States.

And that’s what the GWU president wanted.  But the Washington mayor and the police brass refused, according to The Washington Post.

“D.C. police rejected pleas from George Washington University officials to clear pro-Palestinian demonstrators out of an on-campus encampment early Friday morning, saying they worried about the optics of moving against a small number of peaceful protesters, according to two officials familiar with the talks,” the Post reported.

The newspaper said:

    “Officers had assembled around 3 a.m. and were prepared to enter the encampment, but senior leaders in the police chief’s and mayor’s office ordered them to stand down, the officials said. The demonstrators were small in number and largely peaceful, and the city officials told their university counterparts they wanted to avoid images of violent altercations between police and protesters flashing across TV screens across the country. The George Washington campus is just west of downtown Washington, five blocks from the White House.”

This is a critical moment in the way the U.S. and European establishments deal with the exploding resistance to their unconscionable support for genocide.

Either they face the stark reality that their actions are spurring fierce resistance that threatens their political survival, and thus stop arming and funding Israel, or they increase the repression against opposition, beginning with the student protestors.  These decisions will be made in these days and will have enormous repercussions.

That the Washington mayor and police chiefs showed the guts to leave the students alone reveals serious doubts creeping into official thinking. Even public officials see what Israel is doing.

Kids speak for Palestine!



Special thanks to Eric Herter for his great efforts to make this event happen - twice. 

First in Brunswick and then in Portland, Maine.

Gaza students thank U.S. protesting students



Palestinian children sent a message of thanks and gratitude to US and European university students for their solidarity with the Gaza Strip during a press conference and event held in the garden of a school turned into a shelter center in Rafah city in the Gaza Strip, which is under Israeli blockade and attacks.


US professor cancels students’ final project in response to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests

An assistant professor from the University of Southern California (USC) has announced the cancellation of students’ final project in response to the crackdown on pro-Palestine protests at the university.

“Our university administration decided to bring riot police onto the campus instead of tolerating anti-war, anti-genocide protests of students, many of whom have gone into considerable debt to even attend USC,” Sarah Kessler posted on X addressing her students.

“How are you supposed to take exams with LAPD helicopters loudly circling overhead,” she asked.

“I went into this line of work because I actually care about education, but I’m finding USC’s business as usual inhospitable to critical thinking and action at the moment.”      ~ Aljazeera


"Don't Forget Gaza" march was organized in Üsküdar, Istanbul by the Human Rights and Freedoms (IHH) Humanitarian Relief Foundation and the International Freedom Flotilla Coalition. 

The group gathered at Fıstıkağacı Metro Station and protested against Israel's attacks on Gaza. 

The participants unfurled banners reading "Cease fire now", "Open the Rafah Border Gate" and carried Turkish and Palestinian flags.

Sunday song with bonus



Saturday, April 27, 2024

Americans, you're being played


The video is excellent.

The subject line above says it all.

The U.S. against the new 'Axis of Evil'


By Manlio Dinucci (Pangea Grandangolo TV, Italy)

The US Congress has approved a $95 billion bill for "aid" to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The Act was voted by a large bipartisan majority of Democrats and Republicans and provided $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, and $8.1 billion for Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific region. The chairman of the Senate Armed Services, Republican Mike Rogers, said: “China, Russia, and Iran are working together in a new Axis of Evil to damage our alliances and undermine our national security.” 

President Biden, who immediately signed the Act, declared: “It's a good day for America, it's a good day for Europe and it's a good day for world peace. It will make America safer. It will make the world safer and continue America's leadership." He then added concerning Israel: “My commitment to Israel, I want to make it clear once again, is ironclad. Israel's security is paramount. I will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself from Iran and the terrorists it supports.”

This Act fuels wars and war preparations from Europe to the Middle East and East Asia against Russia, Iran, Palestine, China, and other countries, and further strengthens the US military. Of the 60 billion in "aid" to Ukraine, 48 billion finance the US Armed Forces: 23.2 billion dollars are intended to replenish US stockpiles of weapons used to arm Ukraine; $11.3 billion is earmarked for current U.S. military operations in the region; 13.8 billion dollars are intended for the purchase of advanced weapon systems, materials, and defence services. 

At the same time, the Act requires that US allies, including Italy, pay their “fair share” of the costs of war against the “new Axis of Evil.”





 A webinar sponsored by the Odessa Solidarity Campaign

Thursday, May 2, noon - 1:15 pm (EST)


Register in advance for this webinar:



The Odessa Solidarity Campaign invites you to attend an important webinar on May 2 that will explore the true nature of the government of Ukraine and expose the myth that it is a democracy unjustly targeted in an unprovoked war.

The webinar is timely for two reasons:

First, May 2 will mark 10 years since a fascist-led mob murdered at least 42 people when it set fire to the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, Ukraine. What has become known as the Odessa Massacre took place shortly after the U.S.-backed coup that overthrew the elected president of Ukraine and replaced him with a regime anxious to ally with the U.S. and its growing global military, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO.

And second, the U.S. House of Representatives has just approved $61 billion for the U.S. proxy war with Russia, along with $26 billion for Israel to support its genocide in Gaza and billions for Taiwan, a provocative move certain to increase tensions with China.

The May 2 webinar will have four presenters, all of whom have visited Ukraine since the Odessa Massacre:

The Moderator will be:

There will also be a special presentation by a member of the Uhuru 3, leaders and supporters of the African People’s Socialist Party who have come under severe political repression for speaking out against the U.S. role in Ukraine’s war with Russia. The Uhuru 3 are scheduled to go to trial Sept. 3 in Tampa, Florida.

The May 2 webinar is being sponsored by the Odessa Solidarity Campaign and has been endorsed by:

  •       Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice (Vancouver)
  •       Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space 
  •       Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice (Los Angeles)
  •       Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) - Vancouver
  •       Socialist Unity Party.
  •       United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
  •       Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality



 PO Box 23202, Richmond, VA 23223 USA - https://odessasolidaritycampaign.wordpress.com

Ph: 1-804-644-5834 - Email: DefendersFJE@hotmail.com

The Odessa Solidarity Campaign, a project of the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, was founded in 2016 after three U.S. antiwar activists answered a call from the Council of Mothers of May 2 for International Observers to attend the 2nd annual memorial of the Odessa Massacre, which several fascist paramilitary organizations were publicly threatening to attack. Every year since, the OSC has encouraged local actions to remember the massacre and support the Council of Mothers’ demand for a genuine international investigation into the killings, something the Ukrainian government has yet to allow.

Friday, April 26, 2024

German cops get rough in Berlin



Police in Berlin, Germany, arrest pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had camped outside German Parliament.

Economy watch: U.S. debt crisis alert!


U.S. even pissing off the IMF these days over incompetence of American economic decision making in Washington. Or was it all by design? Maybe Mr. Big's interests are not the same as the majority of the people?

Do something now about your debt the IMF says....the drive to increase spending should be resisted as most of it is going for warmongering. 

Cost of interest to banks on US debt is greater than 2024 spending on the Pentagon and Medicare combined. Next seven generations would be still paying that debt. Nice gift to our kids huh....

The banksters are doing well but rest of us are in the shitter. 

Let's get out while we still can.


Netanyahu worst lies ever exposed


#BenjaminNetanyahu dropped a two-minute video on X "condemning" college campus protests at #ColumbiaUniversity and other #Campus #Protest movements. 

Aaron hadn't caught wind of the statement before this interview but does a great job sharing the truth.

These are the worst lies by Netanyahu that I've ever seen.

Please share this short video so as many people as possible can see how the zionists are exposing themselves as the frauds that they are.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Evidence of IOF's summary executions


Palestinian Civil Defence team says evidence from mass graves, in the grounds of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, shows the Israeli army carried out summary executions. 

392 bodies have been recovered in mass graves, but they have not been able to identify 267 of them. And at least 20 people may have been buried alive at the medical complex. 

Children were also among the bodies recovered. 

The team is accusing Israel of committing crimes against humanity. Meanwhile, international pressure is mounting on Israel after the discovery of the mass graves. 

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan says Washington wants answers. The White House says reports of mass graves in Gaza are 'deeply disturbing'. 

The EU and the United Nations have already called for an independent investigation. 

Mass graves have been discovered in al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City as well as Nasser Hospital in the south. 

Dr Mohammed al-Moghier is the Head of the Monitoring and Documenting Unit at the Civil Defence Department in Gaza. He shares the evidence they have found from the uncovering of the mass graves in Khan Younis. 

International lawyer Geoffrey Robertson says there must be an independent investigation following the discovery of hundreds of bodies buried in mass graves at Gaza’s Nasser Hospital.

Zionists worried about campus protests


Zionists in Israel are getting worried about the power of student protests across the US.

Yesterday Netanyahu called the student uprising 'antisemitic' which is a joke due to the fact that many of these are  being led by Jewish students. But zionists never let facts get in the way of their steady stream of lies.

"Diaspora Jews are currently suffering from a harsh wave of antisemitism in communities and on campuses in the US, Europe, and around the world," far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said, according to a report in Israeli media network Arutz Sheva on Wednesday.

Of course US- based zionists are similarly over reacting by ordering the cops to crash the non-violent protests and arrest students and some faculty members.

This of course will only spread the campus protests even farther. 

Imagine a student is paying for tuition, food and campus housing and gets kicked off campus for peaceful protest. What are they being taught about 'real democracy'? It's quite a civics lesson in real time!



Fascism (the wedding of corporations and government) is revealing its ugly face across the US-UK-EU as the western rulers are finding their regional military outpost in the Middle East being exposed daily as genocidal maniacs. One must work hard not to see the truth before our very eyes.

The map at the top is likely not complete. I know of at least one college campus here in Maine joining the protests for a free Gaza. I am certain there are countless more across the nation and beyond.

We need to keep the pressure building and continue calling out the zionist genocidal war crimes against Palestine. 


Free from bondage: Another world is happening



China’s announced it’s writing off some loans owed by Zimbabwe which is struggling with heavy debt. The gesture was made during the African country’s independence celebrations marking 44 years of freedom from British colonial rule.

This is why the west hates China.

The western 'Rules Based Order' does not allow for this biblical mandate of forgiving debt. Capitalism does just the opposite. It takes everything of value the debtor has and keeps the debtor in bondage.

“At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release. And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release what he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, his brother, because the Lord's release has been proclaimed."    ~ Deuteronomy 15:1-2

China lived under the yoke and the whip of western extractive capitalism for a long time. The Chinese understand what much of the Global South is going through these days.

The western 'way of life' resulted from more than 500 years of thievery from the Global South. The reason the US-UK-EU are now at war with the rest of the world is the colonial occupiers know the vise is turning and squeezing them. Thus they move to terrorism in the vain attempt to hold onto power and domination. 

But it is not working.

Thank you China.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The numbers from Gaza


 People walk past the Ministry of Defence, London, after protesters had sprayed red paint onto it to demand UK political parties impose an arms embargo on Israel, 10 April 2024 (Henry Nicholls/AFP)


The Palestinian government media office in Gaza has released figures showing the extent of Israel's devastating war on Gaza, now in its 200th day.

Here are the key numbers:

    (3,025) Massacres committed by the Israeli army (a massacre refers to an attack that leads to the killing of at least three people)
    (41,183) People killed and missing
    (34,183) Deaths recorded by hospitals
    (14,778) Children killed
    (30) Children died due to starvation and malnutrition
    (9,752) Women killed
    (485) Health professionals killed
    (67) Emergency responders killed
    (140) Journalists killed
    (7,000) Missing, 70 percent of whom are children and women
    (77,143) Wounded
    (17,000) Children lost one or both parents
    (11,000) Wounded and need urgent travel to receive life-saving treatment
    (10,000) Cancer patients facing the risk of death
    (5,000) Total number of people detained
    (310) Health professionals detained
    (20) Journalists detained
    (2,000,000) Internally displaced
    (700,000) Diagnosed with infectious diseases as a result of displacement
    (181) Government offices destroyed
    (103) Schools and universities completely destroyed
    (309) Schools and universities partially damaged
    (239) Mosques completely destroyed
    (317) Mosques partially damaged
    (3) Churches targeted and damaged
    (86,000) Housing units completely destroyed
    (294,000) Housing units partially damaged and made uninhabitable
    (75,000) Tonnes of explosives dropped by the Israeli army
    (32) Hospitals put out of service
    (53) Health centres put out of service
    (160) Health institutions targeted
    (126) Ambulances destroyed
    (206) Archaeological and heritage sites destroyed

Added up:

These are most certainly war crimes against humanity. Israel is an apartheid genocidal state and must be immediately prosecuted and kicked out of the United Nations. The zionists are breaking all UN rules and standards.

The ‘Isfahan incident’: a nail in Israel’s coffin


By Khalil Harb

Iran’s Operation True Promise strikes on 13 April have reopened the deep wounds Israel incurred during Hamas’ 7 October attack. While Operation Al-Aqsa Flood shook the occupation state’s security bubble at its core, a single night of Iranian rockets and drones left Israelis straggling to hold on to even a sliver of their famed deterrence posture. 

As military spokesman for Hamas' Qassam Brigades Abu Obeida succinctly highlighted in his 23 April speech: 

Iran’s response, in its size and nature, established new rules and confused the enemy’s calculations.

This is the region’s new status quo. And Israel’s mysterious ‘Isfahan attack’ has done nothing to shake Iran’s confidence. In short, the alleged Israeli counter has reaffirmed the regional view – militarily, at least – that Tehran has checkmated Tel Aviv and rewritten the rules of engagement.

After years of provocations, and for the first time in its history, Iran has launched a direct offensive against Israel, confidently claiming that it utilized only a fraction of its military capabilities – many of these “obsolete” missiles within its fast-evolving arsenal.

Iran targeted Israel’s key Nevatim and Ramon air bases precisely, despite the spectacular display of lights from intercepted decoy explosions that lit up the skies. Many, quick to judge, misinterpreted the massive salvo as a sign of a broader strategic offensive from the Unity of Fronts – the Resistance alliance that poses a multi-front dilemma for Tel Aviv – aimed at devastating Israel in one blow.

A slap in the face

In fact, Iran conducted the operation alone, which makes the seriousness of Iran’s “slap” all the more significant.

The night of the Iranian missile attack also demonstrated the limits of Iranian patience and Tehran’s strategic shift from caution to calculated aggression, necessitating the intervention of three western nuclear powers and the “Arab fig leaf,” Jordan, to counteract the assault.

The Iranians backed their military actions with public statements and shared images of their commanders orchestrating the operations. Conversely, Israel’s response to the events in Isfahan was ambiguous and poorly communicated, with only sporadic information leaking to the US and Israeli press in a feeble attempt to project resolve.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian mocked the Israeli response in an interview with NBC News, where he dismissed the Israeli drones as trivial, likening them to “toys that our children play with.”

Israel’s ‘ridiculous’ comeback

Israel’s military counter is now widely perceived as a dud, derided even within Israel itself by figures such as Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, who describes it as “ridiculous.”

Despite Tel Aviv’s formidable military arsenal, which includes undeclared nuclear weapons, and its historical posture as a reliable western ally in the region, the events of 13 April have exposed gaping vulnerabilities in its ability to respond to credible threats, especially from Iran.

This ineffectiveness was highlighted amidst the symbolism of Isfahan – home to Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility – where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has long positioned himself as a stalwart against Iran’s nuclear ambitions, appeared uncharacteristically passive.

The Israeli PM’s lack of any tangible response was a departure from his usual hyperbole, painting a picture of Israel as unprepared and hesitant – retreating rather than confronting.

Furthermore, Iran’s nuclear program has paradoxically also emerged as a potent tool in Tehran’s strategic arsenal. The explicit warning from the Islamic Republic about possibly revising its nuclear doctrine in response to an escalated Israeli threat suggests a bold new stance, despite Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s fatwa (Islamic decree) against nuclear arms.

Is Israeli deterrence dead?

The Isfahan incident did little to bolster Israel’s deterrence posture, which has been eroding since Al-Aqsa Flood and further weakened by Hezbollah’s operations in the north and Iran’s True Promise. These events have deeply impacted the Israeli psyche, challenging the foundational sense of security that underpins the Zionist vision of a “secure Jewish state” established on the lands of Palestine.

Against this backdrop, the conventional rules of engagement that have long governed regional interactions are being re-evaluated. Iran’s bold moves – despite US and Israeli warnings – signal a recalibration of power dynamics, indicating a potentially transformative period in West Asian geopolitics.

The Israeli response, both present and future, must now consider the possibility of a united front from the Axis of Resistance if it chooses to escalate further. This adds a layer of complexity to any military planning against Iran, likely prompting Israel to revert to its characteristic approach of covert operations. These may involve sabotage or targeted assassinations attributed to local agents rather than direct military strikes.

Meanwhile, the US, amid its own internal political issues and upcoming elections in November, is likely to play a dual role. It will monitor its ally’s actions closely while trying to moderate the regional tensions to prevent any significant escalation that could destabilize its broader strategic interests.


A point of no return

Today, it is Iran – not the US, not Israel, and certainly not the Isfahan attack – which has restabilized the regional balance, even temporarily, pending the crystallization of the new rules of engagement.

Tel Aviv’s counterstrike tried hard to mitigate the possibility of any further Iranian retaliation – especially as Tehran’s next move would likely come without warning, involve Iran’s superior missiles, and potentially the mobilization of Iranian allies toward Israel's borders.

The Axis of Resistance was happy to allow their Iranian ally to take center stage on 13 April and exact revenge for Israel’s miscalculated 1 April bombing of Iran’s diplomatic mission in Damascus. Any further bold moves from Tel Aviv would ensure that the Axis would activate on every front to swarm Israel.

So, for the moment, Tel Aviv does not dare to compromise Iran’s security directly, instead turning their impotent rage toward vulnerable Rafah, where over a million Palestinian civilians are stranded without food, shelter, and water.

The Hebrew media is already spinning for all its worth, promoting Tel Aviv’s “gains” from demonstrating restraint against Iran – whether from last week’s UN Security Council veto of a Palestinian state or the new $26 billion aid package the US Congress just approved for Israel, or obtaining White House support for the occupation army’s Rafah invasion.

Dr Hussein al-Musawi, the spokesman for the Iraqi Harakat al-Nujaba, tells The Cradle that Israel has, in effect, received a blank check for bad behavior from Washington:

    It is not surprising that the US supports and defends Israel, regardless of its violation of international norms, and this undoubtedly embarrasses the Iraqi government, which seeks to take a clear position on the US military presence in Iraq.

For these and many other reasons, Israeli leaders are now acutely aware that any overtly aggressive action will not go unnoticed in the current geopolitical climate. The region is embroiled in what could be described as a 'mini-international-regional war,' characterized by intermittent flare-ups and periods of relative calm.

True Promise, much like Al-Aqsa Flood before it, is poised to be recorded in history as a pivotal, perhaps even terminal, moment for the brief history of the Israeli occupation state, which now finds itself more isolated than ever and facing an increasingly uncertain future.

~ Khalil Harb is a Beirut-based journalist and former editor-in-chief of the Lebanese daily Al-Safir. He has also worked for the Associated Press and the Lebanese An-Nahar newspaper. Khalil is a graduate of the American University in Cairo.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Visit to downeast Maine


MB and I traveled to Downeast Maine (actually up north along the eastern coastline) last Friday and returned home on Monday after a visit with some friends.

We spent two nights seeing Russell and Akemi Wray in Hancock where they run Gull Rock Pottery. Akemi is the potter and Russell does sculpture, painting and etchings. That is Russell just above in the photo holding the sign. Above his head is his Earth flag which he always flies. We were on the bridge in Ellsworth at noon on Sunday for an hour.

Akemi (from Japan) is a great cook and did her usual spoiling of her guests. It rained most of the day on Saturday so lots of puzzle making was done with a fire going in the fireplace. It is always good to spend time with them. Much story telling was done by all.


Eleven people showed up for the bridge vigil which got very good reviews from the busy traffic zooming by. Many honks, waves, and peace signs came our way. I only saw one negative - a middle finger hoisted into the air by some man. Polls say the American people are getting impatient with US policy toward Israel's genocide in Palestine. We could see the worm turning amongst the folks in cars.

After the bridge on Sunday we drove to Deer Isle to see friends Dud and Jean Hendrick. Dud is a Vietnam vet and a leading activist in the state who we have known since we moved to Maine in 2003. Deer Isle is a fantastically beautiful spot on the rocky coast. Dud and Jean (as they always do) took us for a long walk through woods and trails and along the coastline. 

Jean is a hoot who makes us all uproariously laugh and she had us going at breakfast before we took off for home. 

Peace and anti-imperialist work is difficult and deeply frustrating but we've met such wonderful friends doing our years in the movement. It was nice to get away for a couple of days and be with such outstanding people.

Visits like this helps us hold our heads high and keep going during hard times like these.


Campus actions pumping up


Growing outrage over Israel's war on Gaza has sparked protests at major universities.

Students at Yale, Columbia and New York University have been holding sit-in protests on campus, defying demands to stop. More than 100 students at Columbia [new teaching home for Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland] have been arrested so far, as officials scramble to defuse the growing movement.

Similar protests in support of Palestine continue at university campuses across the United States, despite a crackdown by police. 

Al Jazeera’s Kristen Saloomey is at New York University for the latest. 

Video: Conflict coming as race for the moon takes off


 'Military Space Forces: The Next 50 Years'


In 1989 the U.S. Congress commissioned a new study by the title just above. The forward of the book was endorsed by Sen. John Glenn (former astronaut), Bill Nelson (Head of NASA and former Florida Senator) as well as other leading politicians.

The study was to direct space planning in order to deliver U.S. 'control and domination' of space as called for in the Space Command document 'Vision for 2020'.

This new video by the Global Network on the coming moon race outlines the competing interests moving to take control of the moon. But why?

In the 'Military Space Forces' study it is stated that whoever controls the Earth-Moon gravity well would have a key advantage to decide which nations, corporations or wealthy individuals get off the planet Earth, and who would control shipping of planetary resources obtained at some point by space mining operations.

In the diagram the study concludes that having armed space stations at the L4 and L5 quadrants on either side of the moon would give decisive military advantage.



The study states, "Armed forces might lie in wait at that location to hijack rival shipments on return [to Earth]." 

In other words - space piracy. 

Any moon base would also be powered by nuclear reactors as the industry views space as an unlimited market for their unpopular products. 

Aerospace corporations have long maintained that this space militarization program would be 'the largest industrial project' in human history. With current government debt in the U.S. now at $35 trillion and rising - how can the nation truly afford to undertake such a fool hardy game?



Thus as usual Washington is rounding up the allies via the Artemis Accords to help pay for this big undertaking. That means your money. Are you onboard?
The only way to stop this madness is to build an international base of people who understand the issue and can over time take action.
Should the global taxpayers have a say in how our governments move into space?
In peace,
Bruce K. Gagnon
GN Coordinator

Monday, April 22, 2024

Third Peace Missive from Freiburg, Germany



This is a pic of me at a Julian Assange vigil from couple of months ago. The vigil was held outside the old city hall in the Freiburg city center.

By Luke Brooks-Shesler

 Greetings from Freiburg, Germany! Here is my third peace missive from Freiburg.


On April 13, 2024 Frei Sein Freiburg (Be Free Freiburg) organized a peace march through Freiburg. The day was sunny and gorgeous, and approximately 100 protesters participated. As usual, we met in front of the Freiburg concert house and marched around the Freiburg city center. We stopped at various locations along our route that were packed with people sitting at outdoor restaurants and cafes. Sunita, the group’s lead organizer, gave a brief speech at each stop.


Above: Sunita, the lead organizer of Be Free Freiburg (Frei Sein Freiburg) holds a sign saying “Freedom is the Way” (Frieden ist der Weg). Note: This picture was taken at protest a few weeks ago.

The overarching theme of the protest was that the German government continues to enact policies that are contrary to the interests of the people and the well-being of the world.

Below is my English translation of the protest’s specific aims, as stated on the protest flyer:

  • No Euros for war!
  • Peace with Russia!
  • Politics for the people!
  • Keep cash currency!
  • Real healthcare instead of WHO dictates!
  • Reevaluate the causes and consequences of COVID-19!
  • Freedom for Julian Assange!

Below are some pictures from the protest.