This weekend I will head to Washington DC to participate in a trial for the non-violent civil disobedience I took part in last March in front of the White House. It was the second time I was arrested for protesting Obama's wars in the last year...the first time all charges were dropped.
For Immediate Release: July 7, 2011
Contact: Ann Wilcox, (202) 441-3265,,
Elliott Adams, President, Veterans for Peace, (518) 284-2048,
Veterans, Peace Activists to Challenge Arrests in Pro Se Trial on July 11th
Washington, DC:
On Monday, July 11, 2011, 19 veterans, members of the Catholic Worker community, and other long-time peace activists will have a pro se trial in DC Superior Court, stemming from arrests on the White House sidewalk on March 19, 2011. The March 19th action raised issues of the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the cost of the wars to American society, and the continued detention of whistleblower Bradley Manning. One hundred thirteen persons were arrested on the White House sidewalk by US Park Police, and 19 of those will proceed to a trial on charges of Failure to Obey a Lawful Order and Unlawful Assembly-Disorderly Conduct.
At 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11, 2011, the veterans and peace activists will be available to speak with the media. They will then proceed to a trial, which will be held in Courtroom 313 of DC Superior Court.
The activists have traveled from as far away as Maine, North Carolina, and throughout the Eastern US. Veterans range from World War II veterans, to the Vietnam era and beyond. The trial will highlight the defendants' desire to petition their government for redress of grievances in prosecuting two costly wars; their First Amendment Right in doing so; and other legal arguments. Although there are some first-time activists, many of those going to trial have opposed war for most of their lives. They have continued to "speak truth to power" as they did on March 19th at the White House.
Elliott Adams, President of Veterans for Peace, stated: "I am proud to stand with other veterans of America's military, along with committed peace activists, to oppose the illegal and unnecessary wars that are currently being fought, and to highlight the cost to our society. We, who have experienced war, can help to highlight the costs of war, and the importance of ending these wars now!"
Elliott and other defendants will be available to speak with the media at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11th, at DC Superior Court (500 Indiana Ave., NW).
Is that you in the photo with the white beard and the sun glasses? It is so different from the "about me" picture.
You have a long trip from Bath Maine...
Yes that is me.....
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