- A large delegation from SPARK (Solidarity for Peace & Reunification of Korea) flew from Seoul to Jeju Island for a weekend protest against the Jeju governor and the Navy base now being built in Gangjeong village. While in Jeju they will visit Sung-Hee Choi at her jail house and also see Professor Yang who is still recovering from his recent 70-day hunger strike that nearly took his life. There can be no doubt though that the sacrifices made by Yang and Choi have swelled the movement to support the Gangjeong villagers in South Korea and beyond. SPARK is affiliated with the Global Network.
On Thursday Peter Woodruff (who works at Bath Iron Works) drove to Portland with me for the monthly meeting of Maine Veterans for Peace. Peter was presented with an honorary membership in VFP by our President Dud Hendrick. I had requested that VFP consider giving Peter the membership status in the group for his tireless efforts for peace and conversion of BIW to building wind turbines and it was unanimously agreed. He was presented with a nice plaque, a hat, and a pin.
On the 4th of July there will be the annual parade here in Bath. In recent years our local group PeaceWorks has been in the parade with banners and signs. This year we will have two huge puppets and our theme will be "For the Children" and people will carry signs that say things like education, health care, solar and wind turbines, child care, public transit, and more. Karen Wainberg has been organizing to get a good group of us to participate and we will have about 30 folks with us.
My computer problems have persisted every day this past week. My computer doctor has had to come to the house each day to try to get me back on-line as something (and someone) keeps knocking me off the wireless connection. Yesterday he created a brand new wireless network and this morning it had disappeared. He is scratching his head and wondering who keeps unraveling his work.
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