Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spring is sprung - beauty makes a comeback


A neighbor's blooming cherry tree - in the distance is the Kennebec River. Bath Iron Works shipyard is two blocks to the left where the Navy builds Aegis destroyers that are being used to encircle Russia and China with so-called 'missile defense' systems. (Click any of the photos for a better view)


After a long cold winter our spring is finally here in Bath, Maine.

I've been working outside the last couple of weeks on my garden.  I started early with lettuce, spinach and radishes by growing them in our south facing mud room and now have them in the ground outside.

A week ago I planted a peach tree which I am very excited about.

New peach tree in the ground - with 'peace rose' bush just beyond the tree that was given to us last summer when we moved into this house by friend Eric Herter

I got a couple different blueberry bushes this week and have yet to plant them - want to let them get used to the spot for a couple days. 

Blueberry bushes waiting to go into the ground

Near our driveway are stone steps leading to the house that have been here for many years and tucked amongst the rocks are some 'Hens and Chicks' plants.  I had never heard of them until we moved here and found bunches amongst the many rocks.  They are just amazing and I was astounded by the tall stalks they grew in late summer and fall.

Working in the yard is a good meditation for me - a great way to get my mind off the insanity of the world for awhile.  It also is a way that I can spend some energy and see some results - not something that comes quite so easily in the work I do.

The Hens and Chicks tall stalks last fall were something to behold


The Kinks sang in the song Scrapheap City:

There ain't no beauty
And there ain't no style,
There's no quality
And there's no purity.
Honour's dead and buried
Because it's unnecessary....

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