Monday, February 28, 2022

US-NATO recruits Al-Quaeda killers to come to Ukraine


Tariq al-Jasim in the middle as seen in a video he released on February 26.

South Front

Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Drug Dealer Al-Jasim To Funnel Militants From Syria To Ukraine

Syrian pro-opposition activists have revealed disturbing facts about a Ukraine-based Syrian businessman who vowed to fight Russian forces currently conducting a special military operation in the country.

The businessman, Tariq al-Jasim, appeared in a video announcing the formation of an armed group to fight Russian forces on February 26.

According to a reputable Syrian pro-opposition Telegram news channel, al-Jasim's older brother, Sa’ad, is a security commander in al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) that controls the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

Not only that, al-Jasim, who has been reportedly living in Odessa city for more than year now, is also the cousin of HTS Emir Mohamad al-Abd. Emir is an Arabic term usually used by radicals to describe senior leaders.

The Telegram channel, known as Muzamjer al-Thawra al-Suriyah, also revealed that the so-called businessman is in fact a drug dealer who used to work as a trafficker in Russia.

According to the Abkhazian Network News Agency, al-Jasim is currently preparing to funnel militants from Syria to Ukraine, where they will be thrown against Russian forces. Al-Jasim is working on this with the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA). Around 200 militants from the Sultan Morad Division and the al-Shamiya Front have already signed up. They are reportedly amassing now in the Turkish-occupied northern Syrian area of Afrin.

The Russian military kicked off a large-scale special operation to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine on February 24 following Kiev failure to implement the 2014 Minsk agreement.

Kiev is apparently planning to use al-Jasim to funnel Syrian militants from SNA factions and even HTS to Ukraine. This can’t happen without help from Turkey who controls and commands these militants. Russia, who maintains a large force in Syria, will not likely tolerate this.


Regis said...

Well, ISIS fighters have been already reported there for weeks or months now. Russian Spec Ops will root them all out and kill them.

Regina said...

In Ukraine there is currently not a "a special military operation" to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine going on, but a full-fledged aggressive war against an independent country.
Also, even if it's true what South Front reports, I can't see that it's the US or NATO bringing militants from Syria to Ukraine.
Thre truth - about the war, it's history, and the massive additional militarization that is now being justified in the Western countries - is bad enough as is.

Doctor Bill said...

Ultimately , ISIS works for the Pentagon/CIA who started this mess 8 years ago. The US started all these Wars in 1991 and has used ISIS in all of them. Russia has fought against ISIS because of their close proximity to Southwestern Russia. ISIS works for America, and don't forget it.

Ariel Ky said...

Mercenaries fight for pay without any real loyalties to anyone. Is the CIA paying their salaries? Dirty. Dirty. Dirty,

Ariel Ky said...

In response to Regis' comment, I say good riddance! I find myself in a very uncomfortable place with this war in Ukraine, understanding that it was the only response left to Russia to defend itself in light of ongoing threats from NATO and the U.S., yet wishing that it had not been the case. However, one of the biggest threats to ever brokering peace has to be these mercenaries who threaten anyone and everyone, even their paymasters if the calculation for profit should lead them elsewhere. The U.S. has been a generous paymaster to mercenaries, but it doesn't mean that they won't turn against it if they get offered more money by someone else.