Protests have been regularly held across Maine each month since 2022. On March 29 we will return to another busy traffic intersection - this time in Topsham at 1:30 pm.
As uncertainty about the Trump 'Gaza plan' grows and the clarity emerges that zionist Israel is now attempting to turn the West Bank into another Gaza, we must more than ever publicly stand in support of Palestine and demand peace and freedom.
Please join us if you can. If you can't make it then send a message to our Maine congressional delegation demanding they vote to stop sending our tax dollars to Israel for genocide!
Our demands:
Abolish NATO – End U.S. militarism & sanctions!
Fund people’s needs, not the war machine!
No war with China!
Protect Earth's environment from the deadly insult of war!
End U.S. aid to racist apartheid Israel!
Fight racism & bigotry not war!
U.S. hands off Haiti!
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Maine Natural Guard, PeaceWorks of Greater Brunswick, Communist Party of Maine, Maine Green Independent Party, Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats (COAST), Party for Socialism & Liberation Maine, Libertarian Party of Maine, People’s Party of Maine, Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, Veterans for Peace - National, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), and Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights (MVPR).
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