The EU-NATO globalists just can't stomach an end to the war in Ukraine. They've long been using Ukraine as a hammer to break up Russia into smaller nations. They want Russian resources.
This is nothing new as Europe has been regularly invading Russia for over 500 years. Sweden attacked Russia about 12 times. Napoleon in France unsuccessfully tried the same as well. Hitler famously attacked the former Soviet Union. Hitler lost the war but about 28 million Soviet citizens (military & civilian) were killed by the Nazi invasion. (In comparison the US lost less than 500,000 troops in WW2. Still alot but you get the point.)
The European 'leaders' keep wrongly claiming that Russia wants to invade and take over all of Europe. That is pure BS.
The EU globalists (long connected to the Dems in the US) are urging the US to guarantee that Washington will come to their rescue if they get into a losing war with Russia. So far Trump appears not to be interested.
The big question now is how the taxpayers in Europe will respond to this crazy war program of the EU-NATO? Will the people there support massive cuts in social spending and enviro programs? How much longer can the faltering EU economies continue without cheaper Russian gas?
What will come next for Europe?
I think, that we Europeans should press our governments to try to recreate diplomatic relations with Russia in order to get peace to Ucraine. Kerstin Tuomala, Finland
Yes very good idea that would benefit peace and your economic future. Don't fall for the Russia demonization. You don't have to be a fan of Trump to recognize that Russia does not war with Europe.
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