EU leaders have now branded themselves the "Coalition of the Willing," a tribute act to the band of war criminals led by George W. Bush and Tony Blair, who lied to the world, spat on the UN Charter and launched a war of aggression against Iraq that killed a million human beings.

Yes indeed but which Brits will get richer?
Increased military spending will make Brits richer – Starmer
The fact that cartels of States fall apart and resort to informal coalitions pretty much disproves the NWO conspiracy theorists' one world government claims. The good news: The European rulers now want to fund NATO themselves, and the US may finally quit that outdated vassal-based alliance. More good news: Foreign rulers are finally figuring out that the US rulers are not dependable allies. When I was young, it was "US out of Vietnam" and the Demfucks were the peace party; now it is "US out of Ukraine" and the Reptards are the peace party. How things change!
Money to be made lives to be sacrificed resources to be looted thats imperialism 4 ya
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