Sunday, October 15, 2017

Posting Flyers in Bath Calling for Conversion of the Shipyard

Our peace walk van with Aegis destroyers under construction at Bath Iron Works in the background (click on photo for better view)

Yesterday we began doing our door-to-door flyer dropping across the city of Bath.  We’ve divided the city into three parts – north, central and south and will do this over a three day period.  We finished up the northern part of the city of 10,000 people on Saturday sooner than we had expected.

We had six two-person teams that each had a pre-mapped section of the city to cover.

One flyer team of Liz McAlister and me on the way to northwest side of Bath yesterday to post peace walk flyers.  Liz was married to Phil Berrigan who did two plowshares actions at the shipyard in Bath
This morning many of our folks went to a local church together and since we had an early rain we are waiting until after lunch to get out and start doing our door-to-door efforts again.

Last evening a dozen of us went to a local restaurant for supper and shared stories from the day.  People were a bit surprised that the reactions they got from people as they flyered the neighborhoods were more positive than they had anticipated.  Local citizens appear to be getting it when we make the link between rapidly escalating climate change and the need to convert our fossil fuel dependent economy, and our #1 polluting military system, to alternative sustainable production.

All one has to do is feel the weather here in Maine this week to notice the reality of global warming.  It’s in the mid-to-high 60 degrees.  In normal times in Maine it would be much colder with wool caps and gloves needed.  Currently many people are still walking around with T-shirts on.

The lobsters are heading north as the Gulf of Maine heats up.  Now is the time to make this conversion transformation while it might still have some impact, even if it would be small, on the coming ravages of global warming.  If we wait much longer our children and grandchildren face very rough times ahead.


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