Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hey Trump - Quit Fu+#ing with Iran

The US decision to walk away from the Iran nuclear deal is stupid, provocative and highly dangerous.  It is a fool's errand and was obviously directed by Israel which has undue influence on US decision making.

I refer you to a piece by The Saker on this issue which you can find here

The US government - if one can really call it that - is a frigging mess.  There is no real foreign policy - only threats of war everywhere.

Again I must ask - why would any person or government anywhere on this planet have even one tiny bit of trust and faith in Washington?

The way this US imperial madness ends - without blowing up the world - is for everyone to walk away from US global leadership.  There is nothing in Washington to admire.  Nothing in Hollywood to admire.  There is nothing in the US news media to admire.

Admire our landscape - baseball maybe - but don't follow our so-called leaders unless you want to head over a very steep cliff!


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