Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Walking Underneath the Curtain of Censorship

Nipponzan Myohoji monks and nuns drumming and chanting yesterday at Pratt-Whitney F-35 fighter engine facility.  We learned that the company moved to North Berwick in order to get rid of the union at their previous location.  There is still no union at the Berwick weapons plant.

The walking
would not be possible
for me
without the drums
and chanting
Na mu nyo ho renge kyo

I don't often chant
out loud
it comes
and goes
in my mind
as I walk
other thoughts
pass my way
personal issues
my connection
to the natural world
and to all
my relatives

The Nipponzan Myohoji
monks and nuns
are all in
their whole lives
walking for peace
grateful for food
grateful for other walkers
grateful for life

Each step
a statement
we all need to speak up
we need to create community

Our isolation is our defeat
allows the dark forces
to gain and hold power
the story of humanity's
long struggle
to be free
is largely unknown
we've lost our griots

the walk is a story
told in many ways
by many people
slipped underneath
the curtain of
and neglect

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