I got this message this morning from South Korea. It appears that the shit has hit the fan on Jeju Island and with Sung-Hee Choi arrested there might not be any updates on her blog for some time. In the video below you can hear her voice on the megaphone as she stands on top of some heavy construction equipment.
Yang Yoon-Mo is now in his 45th day of his hunger strike.
Mr Gagnon,
I am writing to let you know about the current situation in Gangjeong, on Jeju Island. The military and police are stepping up their efforts to silence all opposition to the naval base. This morning, 19 May, the construction companies came with their heavy equipment together with around 100 members of the police and military. They specifically came to destroy the greenhouse on the Jungdeok coast that has been occupied by protestors for several years now as well as the many banners from around Korea denouncing the naval base. Once there intentions became know, many people gathered in an attempt to stop the greenhouse and banners from being destroyed. In addition to blocking the construction equipment some people chained themselves to the greenhouse.
I am writing to let you know about the current situation in Gangjeong, on Jeju Island. The military and police are stepping up their efforts to silence all opposition to the naval base. This morning, 19 May, the construction companies came with their heavy equipment together with around 100 members of the police and military. They specifically came to destroy the greenhouse on the Jungdeok coast that has been occupied by protestors for several years now as well as the many banners from around Korea denouncing the naval base. Once there intentions became know, many people gathered in an attempt to stop the greenhouse and banners from being destroyed. In addition to blocking the construction equipment some people chained themselves to the greenhouse.
Even though for the moment the protestors were successful in blocking the destruction of the greenhouse and banners, due to the overwhelming force of the police, military, and construction companies, eight protestors were arrested, all important leaders in opposing the construction of the naval base, including Sung-hee Choi.
Obviously the situation is still ever developing, but I thought you might like to know what is going on right now. Thank you for helping to spread the news about Jeju beyond Korea.
Jungjoo Park
South Korea
We need your help. We must show the South Korean and U.S. governments that people all over the world are following the story on Jeju very closely and care what happens. You can write to the South Korean Defense Attaché assigned to Washington DC. at this email and demand an end of the Navy base construction. defenattache@yahoo.com or you can call the South Korean Embassy at 202-939-5600 to show your solidarity with the Gangjeong villagers on Jeju Island.
This makes me think of the Kennebec River, which is supposed to be dredged by the army corps of engineers this summer so that a destroyer can get through. They can't do the dredging during a less environmentally sensitive time (the winter), because they need to get the ship through by a certain date. Maybe this boat is one going to Jeju Island? All around the world, the military has wreaked havoc on nature, with only the thin excuse that it's for the purpose of "defending freedom."
It's hard to say if the Kennebec dredging in Maine is immediately related to Jeju.....but they are going to have to dredge the ocean floor at Jeju as well so they can get the destroyers into that base once built...the coral and other ocean life will be doubly impacted.
They are building so many of these destroyers now in Maine and Mississippi that they need more ports of call for them around the globe....thus this base on Jeju Island. Very sad and very sick. The U.S. has become a monster.
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