Over the past weekend hundreds rallied in Gangjeong village in South Korea to protect the rocks and the plant and animal life that will be destroyed once the thousands of huge "tetra pods" are all placed in the water and cement gets poured over everything to build the piers in order to dock the visiting U.S. warships.
The military (who says they are out to bring security) does not care about the life forms that are killed. Their brazen quest for power and control separates them from the living world around them. Power is like a drug and they always need more as the addiction numbs them to life. The plants, the rocks, the coral, the fish, the clean water do not exist in their minds. It is a spiritual disconnection.
Here in the U.S. we witnessed last week the U.S. House of Representatives voting to give the president formal power to declare war anyplace and anytime he wishes. The Constitution says that only Congress can declare war but now that the corporations own Congress the loyalty of both parties has switched from protecting the people to protecting the profits and global imperial agenda of the corporations. This is the time that we live in. Democracy has been smothered just like the life forms living among the rocks in Gangjeong will be smothered by the concrete.
This weekend we learned that our dear friend Sister Jackie Hudson, a Catholic nun, recently arrested again for yet another act of protest against the endless war machine appears to have had a heart attack inside the Irwin County Detention Facility in the state of Georgia. It is one of the new "privatized" jails where the lines of authority are blurred and for some reason they have decided that Jackie doesn't need to be sent to a hospital. For the last several days lawyers and doctors and supporters of Jackie have been calling the jail and anyone else they can reach. I called the jail last night and talked to the "supervisor" who told me Jackie is fine inside the jail medical room. I asked that my message be passed on to the "warden" when she returns to work today but I was told that would not be possible because it would be a "violation of personnel policies" to transmit that call. You can make a call to demand Jackie be taken to a proper hospital: ask for Warden Barbara Walrath – 229-468-4120 .
Today begins my 9th day of fasting in solidarity with all life forms in and around Gangjeong village on Jeju Island. My heart is with Yang Yoon-Mo who is now on his 58th day of hunger striking and Sung-Hee Choi on her 14th day.
I am grateful to those who have been writing me and sending messages to the South Korean embassy in their country. In recent days I've heard from people in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Scotland, Wales, England, China, Philippines, Japan, Hawaii, and all over the U.S. who are taking steps to show support. Many of these same people are fasting for a day or more. Thanks to all of you. Please keep spreading the word. I will return to Bath Iron Works again today.
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