Saturday, November 11, 2023

U.S. prepping for war with China



The US, along with its client states in the Pacific, is gearing up for war with China. The accelerated arming of Taiwan, South Korea, Japan/Okinawa, Philippines, Guam, and Australia is setting the stage for an existential catastrophe for all of humanity. It is a heyday for the war profiteers and a nightmare in the making for the rest of us.

In this webinar, K.J. Noh will analyze how, why, and with what effect these war preparations are taking place. Spoiler alert: the root cause is US imperialism. 

K.J. Noh is a political analyst, educator and journalist focusing on the geopolitics and political economy of the Asia-Pacific. He has written for Dissident Voice, Black Agenda Report, Asia Times, Counterpunch, LA Progressive, MR Online, and People’s Daily. He also does frequent commentary and analysis on various news programs, including The Critical Hour, By Any Means Necessary. and Breakthrough News. He recently co-authored a study on the military transmission of infectious diseases and its implications for Covid transmission.

~ See another interview with KJ by Bruce Gagnon here

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