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Shinzo Abe kept the ugly memory of Unit 731 alive. During WW II fascist Japan used Unit 731 to implement gruesome biological and chemical warfare research experimentations - especially against thousands of Chinese civilians in Manchuria. After the war the US brought the leader of Unit 731 to Fort Detrick, Maryland in order to help create the Pentagon's biological warfare program. |
By Kiji Noh
Shinzo Abe, Japan's longest serving PM (2006-2007; 2012-2020), was an arch-conservative/ultra-right politician who was a key partner/enabler of US in its escalation against China, the Asia Pivot.
Key facts:
- Ultra Right Japanese Nationalist who wanted to remilitarize Japan;
- Part of leadership of ultra-right Nippon Kaigi (committed to reconstitution & remilitarization of Japanese Empire),
- Revisionist denier of Japanese militarism, Japanese history, and the comfort women;
- Escalated tensions with NK, SK, China, and Taiwan (with former Pres. Ma Jing Yeou; chums with Tsai Ing Wen)
- Unrepentant militarist and imperial revanchist; worshipper at Yasukuni shrine, where Japanese war criminals are buried
- Enacted security reform legislation in 2015 to allow for Japanese to fight in foreign conflicts anywhere ("collective security") alongside the US
- Key enabler of the US China escalation in the pacific; architect of the QUAD (Japan-India-US-Australia)
- LDP member
The Kishi Dynasty lives on Who are the Kishis?
The Grandfather of Shinzo Abe, Nobusuke Kishi, was one of the worst war criminals of the 20th century, responsible for mass death and slavery in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo in Manchuria, Northern China. Referred to as the "Showa Era Monster", he was the economic manager of Manchukuo (Minister of Munitions & Commerce), where created a slave-driven developmental state that was the industrial backbone of the Japanese war machine. Manchukuo has been compared to the Belgian Congo in its wanton abuse of human life; the term "Manchurian passage" has been used by historians to refer to the mass enslavement of Chinese and Korean in Manchuria for this war machine.
After WWII, Kishi was briefly detained as a Class A war criminal then rehabilitated and supported to become PM by the US.
Other notable Kishis are:
Nobuo Kishi--brother of Shinzo Abe (currently the minister of Defense)
Father, Shintaro Abe--Former foreign minister
Great Uncle--Eisaku Sato, former PM (1962-1974)
The LDP marches on: What is the LDP?
Japan has been a de-facto one-party state since 1955. It has been referred to as a "developmental dictatorship" (at least until 1993) and is a US client state.
The corrupt, autocratic ruling LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) was created by the CIA in 1955, one of the CIA's most notable successes. A coalition of the political class, the business class, and the Yakuza (gangster class), it has held power almost continuously from 1955 until the current moment, with a brief interlude during 2009-2012.
DPJ interlude (2009-2012)/Hatoyama reset:
During this brief interlude, Japan had three PM's from the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan), Yukio Hatoyama (2009 – 2010). Naoto Kan (2010-2011), and Yoshihiko Noda (2011- 2012).
Hatoyama is the most interesting of this interim period. He was of the Hatoyama clan (sometimes called the "Japanese Kennedy's") and can be thought of as Japan's Gough Whitlam: He tried to shift away from a US-controlled foreign policy to an Asia-oriented policy. He called for an "equal" relation with the US. He ended Japanese participation in the Afghan war and tried to reduce the US military footprint in Okinawa, including preventing a new base. He also improved relations with China and met with Xi Jinping, and apologized for Japanese war atrocities. Needless to say, he was deposed and subsequently ejected from the DPJ (for opposition to the TPP, nuclear power. a consumer tax).
Two very short presidencies later, the LDP was back in power in 2012 with Shinzo Abe, just in time for US Pivot to Asia, of which Abe was the key supporter and enabler of. Abe was also the original architect of the Quad Alliance.
Who Killed Abe?
Many questions unanswered at this point but the Assassin is Tetsuya Yamagami (山上徹也)
- Former Maritime SDF (Japanese Navy) vet.
- 41 yrs old
- used handmade shotgun
- Japan's Travis Bickle?
A man under arrest for allegedly shooting former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a stump speech here has told police that he intended to target a senior official of a religious group, sources close to the case have told the Mainichi Shimbun. Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, a resident of the city of Nara who was arrested at the scene on July 8 on suspicion of attempted murder, has admitted to the allegations against him, according to the sources. During questioning, the suspect cited the name of a specific religious group and said, "I intended to target this senior official (of the group)." The named official, however, was reportedly not at the scene at the time. At the same time, the suspect has made nonsensical statements, and Nara Prefectural Police are carefully investigating whether he is mentally competent to be held criminally responsible. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220708/p2a/00m/0na/030000c
1 comment:
Apparently his grandfather was key in setting up what later came to e known as the Universal Church, otherwise referred to as the Moonies. Shinzo Abe also linked. Mike Pence and other senior US officials have recently addressed a virtual summit of the Universal Church.
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