Monday, January 31, 2022

Lisa Savage: one of Maine's best activists



Regis Tremblay (from Waterville, Maine, now living in Crimea) interviews one of Maine's best activists Lisa Savage (Solon, Maine).

Always sharp and entertaining, Lisa was our Independent candidate for the US Senate seat from Maine in the last national election. She ran against Republican Sen. Susan Collins and a Democrat hack who said in one of the debates that everywhere she went the people told her they wanted 'Medicare for All'. She said she didn't support that program though, but instead supported 'universal access' to health care. That of course means that no one could be 'turned down' when applying for an private insurance policy. So the Democrat candidate ran the Wall Street line.

The sad part about that last national election, particularly here in Maine, was that the liberals still voted for the Democrats in resounding numbers despite knowing they are a bunch of lying war-mongers, thieves, and wimps.

Sen. Collins won with 51%. Lisa got a hard-earned 5% but she resoundingly won the four senate debates that were on TV across the state. Two of those debates were aired on national C-SPAN.

So enjoy (and share) this video of Lisa. 

She's the kind of person who ought to be in leadership in politics rather than the current dollar-grabbing corporate agents that pretend to be our 'representatives in Washington'.


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