Saturday, January 08, 2022

Blinkin's arrogant hypocrisy


The Saker reports:

Out of the Ukraine we have a new movie. The video of the alleged “Kazakhstan Liberation Front”, in which they call to fight the CSTO troops, was filmed in the Ukraine by a group of nationalists (Nazis) led by Dmitry Korchinsky. 

This was reported to “Strana UA” by a source in nationalist circles.  Take a look at the ‘statement’ from the Ukrainian leader of the Ultra-Nationalist group Bratstvo on Kazakhstan — says Ukrainian militias will penetrate Kazakhstan and assist the armed gangs that have been wreaking havoc on the population for the last few days:


Well-armed 'protesters' in video below. Word is that many civilians are helping to search for, locate and identify terrorists.

According to Kazakh President Tokayev, among those who had launched "at least six waves of attacks" on Almaty over the past few days were militants that did not speak the Kazakh language. He noted that the assailants, whom he called terrorists and bandits, were well-trained and well-organised, and likely received orders from a 'special centre' - code words for CIA and M16..

The Kazakh president accused the militants of beating and killing [beheading] police officers and soldiers, setting fire to administrative buildings, looting private premises and shops, killing ordinary citizens, and raping young women. 

Interestingly this event makes the now 'infamous' January 6 protest at the capital in Washington DC look quite tame although with all the investigations you'd never know that. 

But to hear Blinkin talk (from the political party leading the DC capital investigations) the protests in Kazakhstan are not much to get worked up about - further indicating the US role in this so-called color revolution.

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