Thursday, September 02, 2021

Hell's Angels making big noise over Maine

The Navy Blue Angels (Hell's Angels) are screaming overhead in Midcoast Maine as I type these words. They fly the F/A-18F Super Hornets. 

Residents in this normally quiet part of the world (except of course for the building of Navy Aegis destroyers) are having to get the bad taste that people around the world living near US military bases have to swallow virtually every day. Imagine that Mainers....

I've been to US airbases in Germany, England, South Korea, Okinawa, and throughout the US and heard the ear-shattering noise and the complaints from local citizens. I've seen images of real bomb damage these planes have done in the multiple war zones the Pentagon is now involved in.

We will be holding a protest outside of the former naval air station in Brunswick (now a regional small aircraft airport) on Saturday morning (9:30 am) as thousands of citizens drive into the facility for what is called 'The Great State of Maine Airshow'. 

It's all rah-rah-rah and a big recruitment tool for the MIC.

We are highlighting the links between climate crisis and the Pentagon's endless war mongering.

Seeing the videos of subway flooding in New York City yesterday, as the remnants of Hurricane Ida passed north, I wondered how much it was going to cost to repair all the damage from this super-sized storm.


Any chance the money will come out of the hides of the war machine? 

Maybe airshows by the Navy Blue Angeles and Air Force Thunderbirds might be first on the chopping block? 

After all, what exactly do they do for national security - especially these days as Mother Earth's toxified body thrashes about in agony?


1 comment:

GaryVFP said...

We are in San Diego and support your efforts to ban the Blue Angels. After all the US military fuels the climate crisis. Please see Veterans For Peace's latest efforts and schedule a presentation:

Gary Butterfield
San Diego Chapter 91
Veterans For Peace