Sunday, September 05, 2021

Brunswick airshow protest huge success


                                                              Photo by Ellen Davidson


Sixty people from all across Maine (New York & Massachusetts) gathered for two hours yesterday outside of the Blue (Hell's) Angels airshow in Brunswick.  More than 10,000 people passed by us on their way into the event during our protest which was highlighted by the wonderful presence of the IDEAL marching band from Portland. 

Many flyers, made by Veterans for Peace highlighting the connections between the Pentagon's huge carbon bootprint and climate crisis, were handed to passengers inside vehicles as they literally crawled past our protest line due to the huge traffic backup.


                                                            Photo by Ellen Davidson

Big thanks to Lisa Savage and Martha Spiess for their efforts in helping to organize the event.

Click on any of the photos for a better view. All of the pictures below were taken by Mary Beth Sullivan. See lots more excellent photos by Ellen Davidson here.


1 comment:

Ariel Ky said...

Great action! I am with you in spirit. Every step we take, every word we speak, shapes the future of humanity. We are in the pivot point now. Thank you peace activists who are bringing attention to how much pollution the military creates, and how militarized our country has become.

I sincerely believe we can pivot away from all of this. Each one of us has responsibility for what happens next.