Tuesday, September 23, 2014

$elling Global Corporate Dominance

Note how this Raytheon video exaggerates the so-called missile threat from North Korea, Iran and Syria.

Raytheon is the weapons corporation based in Massachusetts.  If you can imagine regional family oligarchies across the US.... the Boston-regional oligarchy gets a piece of the action from Pentagon spending with Raytheon.  The Crown family in Chicago has majority stock in General Dynamics.  It's this way all over the country.

The goal of the aerospace industry is to turn the majority of domestic production toward space technology.  Local labor and investment goes into building this "golden dome" of war making - Full Spectrum Dominance - for the corporations as they make their move to bring the planet under full control.

That's why the  industry proudly brags that space domination will be the largest industrial project in the Earth's history.

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