Thursday, September 18, 2014


I'm leaving early in the morning for Unity, Maine to work at the Common Ground Fair all weekend. 

Our chapter of Maine Veterans for Peace will have a booth at the fair so I will be helping to staff that throughout the weekend.  In particular we'll be promoting our coming Maine Walk for Peace & a Sustainable Future.  Tens of thousands of people come from all over Maine and New England to the event so it is a great place to do outreach.

While there I've got to buy some garlic to plant in our garden as that crop goes in during the fall for an early spring surprise - the first crop that pokes its head out of the cold wet spring ground.

I'll put the back seat down and camp in my car - handy and dry if just a bit cramped.

The food is great at the fair, though a bit expensive, so I went shopping today for a few things to bring along to eat during the weekend.

They don't have Wifi at the fair so I won't be doing any posting on the blog til late Sunday night.  I think I'll post my Sunday songs tonight.  Later.

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