Wednesday, May 18, 2022

959 Azov Nazis surrender at Mariupol steelworks



On Wednesday, the Russian MoD reported that a total of 959 militants, including 80 injured, surrendered to Russian forces over the past three days.

Western corporate media did not use the word 'surrender'. Instead they followed their 'leader' elensky in Ukraine calling it an 'evacuation' of the Azovstal steelworks underground bunkers where the Nazis have been hiding for weeks.

The New York Times reported the following: 

Breaking News: Ukraine ended its “combat mission” in Mariupol and said fighters were being 'evacuated', signaling that the battle at a steel plant was over.


This is basically why I largely boycott the western media. They lie all the time.

These soldiers are not being sent to Ukraine, but to the DPR [Donbass] and Russia. All the communication strategies that Kiev can use to try to transform this mismanagement into a pseudo-victory will not change this fact, this reality!

Although Volodymyr elensky has tried to make people believe that those who are now leaving the Azovstal factory will be exchanged, and will therefore be able to return home, this is not the case for many of them. The fighters of the neo-Nazi Azov regiment, and some or all of the soldiers of the 36th brigade of the FAU, will have to answer for their crimes against the civilians of the Donbass, and will therefore be tried, with no possibility of being released at the end of the military operation or exchanged for Russian soldiers. Potential foreigners present in Azovstal [still not surrendering] will not be exchangeable either.



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