Sunday, May 29, 2011


I woke up at 3:30 am very hungry and couldn't get my mind off eggs, grits, toast, faken bacon (soy), and English breakfast tea with milk. My only other food craving so far has been French toast smothered with maple syrup. Why am I not craving pasta? Amazing.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I thought writing this might help cure this itch. We'll see if it works. Desperate people take desperate measures.

I am still getting lots of emails from people concerned about my health. I appreciate it very much but please don't worry about me. I am doing fine. It is Professor Yang that I am most concerned about right now. He is now on his 55th day of hunger striking. His health is in serious danger. Last night I had a call from a Korean-American friend in New Jersey who called South Korea for me to get the latest information. They are going to put Yang on trial on June 4. Can you believe that? Outrageous. He very well might be on his death bed at that point.

We need everyone to take action now to literally save his life. Please write to the South Korean Defense Attaché assigned to Washington DC. at this address and demand an end of the Navy base construction in Gangjeong village......

This is all Yang Yoon-Mo is asking of us. He is hunger striking to spur us to help build international consciousness and support about the insanity of this Navy base that the U.S. is pushing the South Korean government to build.

And please spread word to your friends and neighbors about this situation. Urge them to watch the video interview with Yang and/or the coral reef video . Call the South Korean embassy in your country.

The story of Bobby Sands comes to mind. He was an Irish volunteer of the Provisional Irish Republican Army and member of the United Kingdom Parliament who died on hunger strike while imprisoned in 1981 inside the HM Prison Maze after 66 days. He was 27 years old. Professor Yang is in his late 50's.

All joking aside, I feel particularly compelled to continue this fast because I've seen Gangjeong village and have met the people there. It's real for me. But I am also motivated by the fact that I live in Bath, Maine where these very Aegis destroyers are built. And my life's work is about preventing an arms race in space that is being accelerated by the continuing deployment of missile offense systems on-board these warships.

I thank you for taking action to help save Yang's life. He is a good man who deserves to live. His village - the rocks, the fish, the vegetation, and the water deserve to live as well.

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