Friday, August 09, 2024

VP Harris: 'I'm here because we believe in democracy'


We asked American journalist Chris Hedges whether he thinks Kamala Harris will be different on Gaza than Joe Biden.  



Jill Stein's campaign notes: In responding with such contempt to these protesters, Kamala sent the message that while there are no red lines for Israel, she’s drawing a red line to those who dare interrupt her with reminders of the inconvenient reality of the ongoing carnage in Gaza. Kamala’s brief honeymoon with progressives is over and the message is loud and clear: It’s time to fall into line and be silent about genocide.


What is going on right now in the 2024 Prez campaign is a color revolution. It's being coordinated by Madison Avenue and Hollywood under CIA direction. 

Mainstream media is doing its usual job of round-the-clock mind washing to bring those who pay little attention into the Dems fold. 

Watch Harris become even more emboldened now as she performs her prosecutor-cop harsh act to shut down anyone who stands in resistance to the corporate oligarchic control. (Already some liberals are calling for the movement protests at the Dem Convention in Chicago to be cancelled. They don't want any truths to be shouted from the Chicago streets. It's too uncomfortable for the libs.)

Democracy is gone. It's a race to increase tensions between urban-rural and all the rest. The goal is to divert anger/rage away from the dominant powers of Wall Street banksters and the war machine. Instead the divide-and-conquer America agenda pits the nation against itself. Just like we now see in Britain and Israel (where the country is equally divided over excusing anal rape of Palestinian prisoners or not.)

Harris will play the role of the smiling hard-ass backstabber. Trump plays the racist, America first role. A perfect drama to bring the public into its final act of submission before the feet of Mr. Big and his knee-busting hench men and women.

Our 'new exciting' digital economic future will be rolled out during the next administration (no matter which party wins) in response to economic collapse. Further destruction of civil liberties will escalate. Poverty will take off like a rocket ship. Military production will be the only real jobs game in town. Health care only for the expectancy will decline dramatically.

We are on to WW3 - and you can't talk about in in polite company!

All the while the public's attention is turned to the 2024 'Election escapades'.

Enjoy, if you can.


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