Monday, August 05, 2024

Germans react to U.S. missile deployment threats


In Berlin, around 12,000 protesters gathered for a "Peace and Freedom" march and rally, criticizing Germany's foreign policy and arms supplies to Ukraine. 

Many people carried blue flags with a white dove of peace, while others had banners and placards that read: “No US missiles on our soil!” “No missiles against Russia!” “No arms shipments to Ukraine and Israel!” or “Peace talks!”

Some speakers at the rally urged Germany to leave NATO. “We want a government that represents our interests and not that of the USA and big business,” one said, according to local media reports. 

Some demonstrators also carried banners bearing the slogan “Create peace without weapons!” This phrase comes from the 1982 Berlin Appeal, an outspoken petition crafted by two East German dissidents that called for disarmament.

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