Friday, August 23, 2024

Germany's suicidal economic collapse


Weak Germany means weak Europe.

Germany's silence after the Biden-Harris administration blew up the Nordstream pipeline ensured that Russia's cheap natural gas, which fueled the German economy, would no longer be available.

So instead Germany chose to rely on US's LNG (fracked) gas shipped overseas at 3-4 times the price they had been paying for Russian gas. 

Thus the German manufacturing sector is collapsing due to the rising fuel costs. Many German companies are now moving overseas. That means loss of good jobs and a once prosperous tax base.

Just this past week Germany chose to pin the blame on Ukraine for taking out the Nordstream pipeline which is a total joke. No one believes it. 

Veteran award-winnning journalist Seymour Hersh's reporting on the pipeline destruction accurately pinned the blame right where it belonged - on the Biden-Harris White House.

The EU's (and Germany's) desperate subservience to Washington's corrupt imperial policies is coming home to roost like a run-a-way freight train.

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland!       Goed door Brussel!

You have no one to blame but your own corrupt leaders in Berlin and Brussels.




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