Saturday, August 10, 2024

The western gun-slingers



The western gun-slingers

They didn't call it
the Wild West
for nothing.
The US-NATO are 
experienced killers.
An old friend, and nun, 
used to say,
'We are a killing nation.
We can kill them fast, 
or we can kill them slow'.

WW3 is upon us
as the gun-slinging west
mounts terror campaigns
virtually everywhere
across the globe.
The Gaza Method:
The West’s evolving blueprint 
for controlling a crisis ridden world 
is mass-murder and subjugating the poor, 
the rebellious, 
and those deemed 'superfluous'.

It's all a desperate act,
by the white 
colonial masters,
that have rampaged 
for generations
to remain in control
of the world
for plunder 
of resources 
and cheap labor.
But those days 
of full spectrum dominance
are disappearing.
Thus the full-bore
western onslaught.
Even in the so-called
sophisticated and 
genteel Britain,
we witness
the chaos
of the anti-immigrant forces
that learned its trade
from the King & Queen's
long brutal theft 
from their
'good subjects'
in India
and beyond.
(Soon to come
to the U.S.
which often follows
the lead of the Brit
Yes, after all
we are indeed
the step-child of
the palace occupants.)

Those concerned
about the true origins
of unrestrained immigration,
from the long-battered
Global South,
might consider protesting
the endless war$
manufactured by 
that create the 
mass flows
of refugees.
BRICS + is a modern
slave revolt
that the western 
gun-slingers most fear.
US-UK-EU-NATO declare
BRICS + rebellion
must be destroyed
at all costs,
even risking the dreaded
modern nuclear version
of Atlantis.

Speak out now
or forever
hold your breath.

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