It seems that Russian authorities have found the killer of Darya Dugina.

The killer, one Natalya Vovk, is associated with the Azov Nazis of Ukraine. So is her brother.
Yelensis has details that point to willful murder of Darya Dugina:´
[A]n important clarification was already delivered by the experts: As to the question whether the bomb was on a timer or remote control, the answer already came in: Remote control. This fact has huge ramifications. WarGonzo blogger Semyon Pegov points out that the person who pressed the remote-control button to ignite the bomb, would have been in visual contact with the car and its occupant: “In other words, the terrorists who were supposedly out to blow Dugin up in his own car, would have observed, how Darya got into the car instead. Not the original target. And then they would have had to make a decision: To blow up, or not to blow up? And they took the decision: Go ahead and blow up the daughter. So, Darya became the new target. And this is, it goes without saying, an entirely new level of terrorism. Not even your average ISIS terrorist would take such a low step.”
Aleksandr Dugin, Darya's father, as well as his daughter had been threatened:
The Ukrainians threaten and blacklist everybody in the world who doesn’t give them full and unconditional support.Dugin, however, is a special case, and particularly hated by the West and their proxies. Both Dugin and his daughter are on American/British “sanctions” lists. Dugin has been the recipient of non-stop hate-speech for years now. Westies hate and demonize him because of his philosophical ideas and anti-Liberal ideology. Darya herself has a degree in Political Philosophy and shared her father’s ideology. Both were strong supporters of the Russian “Special Military Operation” against the Ukraine.
Aleksandr Dugin has released a response to Saturday’s car bombing outside Moscow. On Monday, Dugin blamed the Ukrainian government for the murder and said he wanted a military victory rather than revenge.
Such acts of terrorism want to break the will of Russians by targeting the best and most vulnerable among them, Dugin said, adding that the terrorists will not succeed. Wishing for simple revenge or retribution would be “too petty, and un-Russian,” he added.
“Instead, we need victory,” Dugin wrote. “So win, please!”
Russia releases video of suspected Moscow car bomber
Vovk enters the Russian Federation
- Vovk enters the building in which Daria Dugina lived
- Vovk leaves Russia for Estonia
- Screenshots of Vovk in her Minicooper trailing Dugina
- Note the changed front license plates in each clip near the end
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