Saturday, August 14, 2021

Getting away



Mary Beth (MB) and I will be going away for a week. We both need a break.

MB is a social worker and works with the homeless in Portland. She loves her job. But it takes a toll.

I spend much of the time online doing my work for the Global Network. I love my job too. But U.S. foreign policy surely takes a toll.

We are going to enjoy a week on the rocky coast of Maine. We will rent a room in an old house by the ocean. We'll sleep late, walk, read and go on some side trips to various sea sites. Mostly we can clear our heads a bit.

The house has no WiFi but there is a spot nearby where I can get limited connection. I will likely post here everyday - I consider my blog my spiritual practice. It's my daily share and prayer. (I've got a bunch of posts already lined up so it won't take much effort.)

I'll let you know how it went when we get back.


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