Sunday, July 26, 2020

My friend Mike Hastie

Mike Hastie, fierce and honest to the bone, in Portland, Oregon.

Mike was a medic in Vietnam during that war against the people of that nation. He experienced much horror by US troops perpetrated upon the Vietnamese people.

Mike was on the first Veterans For Peace delegation years ago that tried to go to Jeju island, South Korea but got sent back to the US after they landed there.  They wanted to stand with the people of Gangjeong village in opposition to the construction of the Navy base that now serves as a port-of-call for US warships.

Watch how he takes a big hit of tear gas right in his face - and eyes.

Bless you Mike!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chris David, the Navy vet whose hand was broken last week when he was beaten and gassed at the BLM protest, wants to be connected with Mr. Hastie. His twitter handle is @Tazerface16

Please convey to Mr Hastie that I saw and am grateful for his protest and support of our Constitution.