Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Blocked and confused

Maine public school teacher Lisa Savage (Solon) was blocked yesterday from Tweeting with State Rep. Jennifer DeChant (D-Bath).  Lisa tried to tweet the photo of the snow creatures on the bridge over the Kennebec River in Skowhegan.  You can see what Lisa wrote about it here

Also on Sunday I was sending an article to many members of the Maine legislature and the one I sent to State Sen. Eloise Vitelli (D-Arrowsic) was blocked.  Sen. Vitelli is the co-sponsor of the bill to give $60 million of corporate welfare to the General Dynamics Corporation that is being written by Rep. DeChant.

It seems unusual to me that two elected officials would be so concerned about hearing from people in Maine - after all when you run for office that is what you expect to happen.  Especially when you are sponsoring a very controversial bill.

Lisa included in her blog post this (above) copy of Sen. Vitelli's Tweet during the public outrage over the massive corporate tax cut recently passed in Washington by the Republican Congress.  Our own Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was a key vote to ensure passage.

During that very public political battle Sen. Vitelli took a stand against the bill (which was a good thing to do).  But now she has very quickly turned around and is co-sponsoring a smaller scale version of the same kind of bill - handing over $60 million to the 5th largest weapons maker on the planet - especially in our state where 43,000 children live in poverty.

Anyone else notice the serious contradictions here?


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