Those 'Brave' Nazis at it Again
A World War Two veteran has died after her sister, also a veteran, was attacked by nationalists. They threw a green dye at her during Victory Day celebrations in a city in central Ukraine.
May 9 was the day that people throughout the former Soviet Union celebrated the defeat of Nazi German forces during the WW II invasion of Russia that cost more than 27 million lives.
Ironically today the US-NATO, with German forces, are holding war games on Russia's border. See here for more on that provocative military exercise.
Don't forget the Official Story is the Russians want Ukrainian oil. And to remobilize the USSR, put more missiles in Cuba and force Americans into a Red Dawn scenario. or something similar but more strident. Maybe someday the Right Wing in the whole region will wake up, pull out their heads and notice that the swaztika on their battle flag looks one hell of a lot like the older German one. At which point they wouldn't need propaganda assistance from America. And then there's always that Britain and the US are very interested in the same strategic resources and territory for the same reason ascribed to the Russian motives.
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