Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....
Angie Zelter (UK) remained behind in Gangjeong village after the GN conference was over.She is staying for one month.
The news this morning from Jeju Island is that Gov. Woo has asked for a temporary Navy base construction pause to determine whether the mythical "civilian" use will be compatible with the military use. In other words - Gov. Woo is getting intense pressure from inside South Korea and from around the world. Remember Jeju Island is a world class tourist destination. Who wants to go on vacation and see the what the military has done to the environment? The Chinese provided one-half of Jeju's tourists this past year. You'd hope the Chinese government has the good sense to have someone in their tourism bureau make a call to the Jeju tourism agency and suggest that a Navy based aimed at China might be an impediment to further economic cooperation. Just a thought....... Please send Gov. Woo a note and tell him how you feel about the base:
I'm having to pick up my pace on some other priorities during this week. We sent a letter to be printed today that will go out to our snail mail list hopefully by the end of the week. Having begun my organizing career in the days when we talked on the phone and did mailings, I still believe in keeping in touch with our members in the old fashioned ways. The letter updates people on our recent trips to Hawaii and South Korea and lays out my work plan for the next couple of months. Included in that will be my 30-day speaking tour in April on the west coast from San Diego, Ca. to Seattle, Wa. and my trip to the mid-May protests at the NATO summit Obama will host in Chicago. Also on my plate now is the March 20 rally inside Maine's state capitol from 2:00-4:00 pm that will protest our tea-bag Gov. LePage's attacks on health care, the poor, the environment, labor, women, and education. The rally is being sponsored by Occupy Maine and the Maine Campaign to Bring Our War $$ Home which I co-coordinate with Lisa Savage.
Yang Yoon-Mo is on his 27th day of hunger striking from inside the Jeju prison. I started my week-long solidarity fast two days ago and have been contacted by the following folks saying they will also fast in solidarity with Yang during the coming week(s).
Robert Shetterly (Maine) Tom Kircher (Maine) Tamara Lorincz (Novia Scotia, Canada) George McAnanama(New York City) Margie Warner (Winnipeg, Canada) Judith Hicks (Colorado) Russell Wray (Maine) Dr. Ron Saff (Florida) Kay Warren (Washington) Dennis Apel (California) Megan Rice (Nevada) Lindis Percy (England) Boryana Tacconi (Massachusetts) Katherine Muzik, Ph.D. (Hawaii) Marylia Kelley (California) Natasha Mayers (Maine) Molly Willcox (Maine) Wilbert Eastman (Ohio) Dud Hendrick (Maine) Jennifer Doering (Washington)
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