Friday, October 11, 2024

A tiny sign of hope - we need alot more of it


Protests are held in major Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv, every Saturday where people take to the street calling for a ceasefire in Gaza following nearly a year of conflict between Hamas and Israel.

Come on Israel - all over the world people hate our two zionist nations, the US & Israel - more than ever. Things just can't continue this way. It's a dead-end street.

The world needs to hear all our voices for peace, freedom, dignity and sovereignty much louder and with much more determination.

Other wise we are all going up in flames.

You want your loved ones released from being held hostage. But the thousands of Palestinians held in brutal bondage - including children - must be released too. The torture of Palestine must immediately end. Gaza and the West Bank must be free from the daily attacks. They need food, water, health care and a safe place to rest their tired souls. They need to rebuild their torn lives.

The attacks on Lebanon must stop too. And on Syria as well. No war with Iran either. The zionist dream of 'Greater Israel' must perish.

I imagine there are many good people in Israel - but all we ever see and hear are the genocidal war crimes from your so-called leaders and your killer soldiers.

If Israel has any true spirit and morality left the world needs to see and hear it.

Now is the time.


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