Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ukraine Kursk invasion failing dramatically


Ukraine soldiers surrendering to Russian troops in Kursk

Ukrainian troops are increasingly surrendering in Russia's Kursk Oblast (similar to a state) as the US-NATO directed attack into Russia is now failing dramatically.

On August 6, 2024 the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an incursion into Russia's Kursk Oblast and clashed with the Russian Armed Forces and Russian border guard. It has been suggested that many of Ukraine's 'best Nazi units' were pulled from the Donbass region along the Russian border to lead the troops that crossed into Kursk on the first day, supported by tanks and armored vehicles. 

Some have claimed that 20,000 Ukrainian troops were involved in that incursion into Russia.

The Russian army continues its successful offensive in the Kursk region. Russian forces are surrounding the Ukrainian grouping, advancing along the border from the northern and southern directions.

In total, during the fighting in the Kursk direction, the Ukrainian army has lost more than 14,200 troops, 115 tanks, 44 infantry fighting vehicles, 91 armored personnel carriers, 729 armored combat vehicles, 439 vehicles, 98 artillery pieces, 28 multiple rocket launchers, including seven HIMARS and six MLRS manufactured by the United States, eight anti-aircraft launcher missile systems, two transport-loading vehicles, 26 electronic warfare stations, seven counter-battery radars, two air defense radars, thirteen units of engineering equipment, of these, seven engineering barrier vehicles and one UR-77 de-mining system.

It is well known that Ukraine would never have done this without the US-NATO instigation.

It was likely done so close to the coming US presidential election in order to make people in America and Europe believe that the elusive 'Ukrainian` victory' was still possible against Russia. The Biden-Harris administration had hoped to use it as a winning campaign issue. It has turned out to be just one more failure.

One must wonder what comes next? Will Ukraine come up with a false-flag event in a 'hail Mary' attempt to build support throughout the west in hopes that US-NATO will send more $$$, more military hardware, long-range missiles that can hit deep inside Russia, or actually send US-NATO troops in to 'rescue' the failing Ukrainian operation?

Ukraine will not be able to effectively use British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles for long-range attacks on Russia without satellite targeting data provided by the US. This would make the US and UK responsible for a direct attack on Russia and they should expect retaliatory strikes as a result. That is how nuclear war begins.

It must be remembered that since Washington orchestrated coup in 2014 in Kiev, the US-NATO has underwritten and directed this Ukrainian war on the Russian-ethnic population of the Donbass of eastern Ukraine. 

The entire operation, intended to force Vladimir Putin out as president and the break-up of Russian into smaller nations, as been an abysmal failure that still could be a trigger for WW3.


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