Monday, September 16, 2024

Burn um they say


Burn um they say

Stomp um,
in Yidish,
שטופּן זיי
shoot the kids 
in the head.
Same for journalists.
Burn the olive trees
poison the water
kill the fishermen
tear up the gardens 
rob & steal,
bomb the homes,
along with the tents,
loaded with long-suffering
Palestinian people.
If the world allows
this to continue 
then it will be us 
who go down next.
Virtually all of us 
are the expendables,
the unwashed,
the unvarnished,
superfluous populations,
the despised,
the unmanageable....
those unwilling to do the 
dirty work of empire.
We will all burn,
but it will be in hell,
along with those
maddening, hypocritical
racist, arrogant
greedy, violent
devilish thugs
from the western deep state,
agents of Mr. Big
in the City of London
and Wall Street.
For long they've 
tried to hide themselves
but now their
true face
is revealed.

A fed-up world 
is demanding that we each
fully reject Mr. Big,
it's our only chance for survival.

This frightening moment
will determine the 
next page 
of history.
Which direction
will we turn?
Another Elbit Systems drone for Israel. Elbit operates in dozens of countries. Zionist control of the western war machine is key to ensuring the creation of Greater Israel. This is at the core of the dangers during these current times. Another way to name it is a global mafia. For me, I see it as global fascism defined by Mussolini as 'the wedding of corporations and government'.

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