Thursday, April 13, 2023

Space Alert interview: Albuquerque, New Mexico space activist


Bob Anderson begins this Space Alert interview saying he is an Eastern Tennessee Hillbilly who never finished high school due to having to work in order to help his family get by.
He joined the Air Force and was sent to Vietnam and Laos on top secret missions. It was this time that changed the course of his life like many other veterans.
After college Bob got involved with Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) and it was while working with that organization he heard about the 1973 American Indian Movement (AIM) occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Bob tells how he and other VVAW members jumped into their cars and drove to Wounded Knee and joined the occupation during a fire fight between the US government (FBI, ranchers and their hired goons) and AIM. 
He stayed there for 71 days.
In February of this year there was a 50 year reunion at Wounded Knee that Bob attended. He tells that story as well.
Finally Bob discusses his work with a group called Stop the War Machine where he lives today in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
He's long been a board member of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space and shares how Kirtland AFB in his city is a key research center for space weapons development. Kirtland specializes in space war-fighting laser weapons among other new directed-energy technologies.

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