Thursday, June 20, 2019

Is Iran the next war?

Is the US government preparing to lie its way into another war?

Pentagon Drone shot down over Iran - Washington denies it was over Iranian territory.  Should we believe the Pentagon and the CIA?  What comes next?

Secretary of Insanity Mike Pompeo has admitted to “lying, cheating and stealing” as CIA director.

RT's Rick Sanchez reminds us that as citizens, it’s our responsibility to be aware of what’s going on in our government and to hold officials to account.

In other words we all need to act to prevent the next war which will result in:

  • Countless deaths
  • More refugees
  • Massive environmental destruction
  • Wasted hundreds of billions of $$$$$$$
  • Further loss of what little democracy we have left
  • Likely expanded war that draws in Russia and even China

What you can do now:

1) Phone Congress 202-224-3121. Phone your House member and your US Senator. Say No war with Iran! That is the most important message. Tell them H.R.2354 is in the House of Representatives and S.1039 is in the Senate. Both bills would prohibit the United States from using any federal funds to engage in military action in Iran without congressional approval or a declaration of war

2) Phone the White House 202-456-1414 (Switchboard) 202-456-1111 (Comments). Say No war with Iran! There is evidence some in the Administration are more cautious about an all-out war with Iran. They must hear that millions of us are unalterably opposed to an insane war.

3) Write Letters to the Editor. Express your opposition to War with Iran.

4) Hold Vigils and organize Rallies in your area and your cities against War with Iran.

5) Take photos of yourself holding “No War with Iran!” signs. Post them on Twitter and Instagram. Send them to your House Representative and Senator. Encourage others to do the same.

6) Send a message directly to Congress via this petition site here


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