Monday, April 15, 2013


Lockheed Martin last week unveiled the concept design of the company’s Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) air vehicle.

They've got plans to keep their corporate endless welfare program going for another generation.

I was out working in the yard today cutting wood for next winter and I noticed a couple boys, about 4-5 years old, playing two doors away.  One was yelling to the other, "I'm going to kill you."

I couldn't help but think how tragic it is that the American culture is being hollowed out and turned into not much more than a killing machine to benefit global capitalism.  In a way these little kids seem to understand that the only real future for most working class kids in Maine, and across the nation, will be killing people.

Their education system in Maine is now being destroyed.  There are few jobs.  No real investment in the state economy is being made by private capital or the government.  We are being abandoned and these kids will have one primary employment option.  Their parents are so fixated on the economic rollercoaster they are riding that they can't see much beyond this moment that is already hard enough and only getting harder.

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