Thursday, August 02, 2012


The drug biz, long known to be heavily run and financed by the CIA, is being militarized. 

Over the last 5 years, over 60,000 people have lost their lives in Mexico’s drug-related wave of violence. More than 70% of the weapons seized in Mexico in the last three years and submitted for tracing came from the U.S. (Source: ATF) 
The chickens have come home to roost as we see with the growing domestic violence across the US.  I believe the reason that Obama-Romney (and a corrupt Congress) do nothing about this is because the increase in random shootings help create fear in the minds of the American people.  Then the people demand to be protected.  So the public passively accepts the near complete militarization of supposedly independent local police agencies as they get armed to the teeth.  
The growing gun violence works in the interest of the oligarchy who is preparing the "clamp down" on the public as they figure out that the global economy is being taken back to the days of feudalism.  The evidence is now overwhelming when we view the violence thrown at protests in Cairo-Athens-London-New York-Anaheim and more.
You can sign a petition against gun smuggling to Mexico here  
 Connect the dots and survive.

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