The cops in New York City "cleaned" out Zuccotti Park in the middle of the night. They kept media away as they surrounded and then beat up many of the people in the Occupy movement. Even media helicopters were banned from the airspace overhead. It was a military operation.
Mayor Bloomberg in NYC said he was doing this to "protect" the Occupy movement as undesirable types had contaminated the park in recent weeks. But the truth is that the mayor and his agents for weeks had been telling homeless and mentally ill people released from NYC jails to go to the park. Thus the city helped to create the conditions they then used to bust up Occupy.
The slimy mayor of Oakland, California let it slip during a radio interview that mayors from 18 cities across the country had coordinated the raids on the Occupy movement while on a recent conference call.
It is sad how the cops are allowing themselves to be used to brutalize their fellow citizens. Now and then cops go on strike and seek public support in their quest for pay raises and better working conditions. Then they turn on the very public who pays their salaries and treat folks like this. Inexcusable.
There is no doubt in my mind that a war has been declared on anyone in America that stands up against the oligarchy. These moves to clear Occupy from public spaces across the nation are an attempt to put us all on the reservation.
But they will not succeed. The mayors of cities and out-of-control cops across America have only steeled the determination of legions of the people. We are the many, the 99%, and they are the few...the 1%. We will not give up. Never.
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