Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Need investment again in America if we are to have jobs. When corporations send jobs overseas we have to look to the federal government for investment. Sadly the Obama government, like Bush, only wants to grow the military budget and make more weapons.

Time to call for conversion of the military industrial complex. We should be making rail systems, solar, wind turbines, weatherizing homes, funding education, rebuilding our collapsing infrastructure (have you seen the New York City subway system lately?), and creating a real health care system.

We will become a third world nation if we don't immediately demand that we stop fighting endless war and invest that $12 billion a month now wasted in Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan back here at home.

Stop trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. We need to argue for fundamental change in America.

We need your help to make it happen.

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