The recently signed agreements between the U.S. and Poland, and the Czech Republic, to deploy “missile defense” interceptors and a Star Wars radar in those countries has already triggered a return to the dangerous times of the Cold War. As the U.S. and NATO expand their military operations into Eastern and Central Europe, and into Central Asia, we are seeing that Russia and China are reacting with grave alarm.
The recent Georgia-Russia crisis is only the first of what we fear will be many more rounds in this provocative U.S. military encroachment on Russia and China. (Read Bruce’s blog for specific analysis on the situation.)
To say it is all about oil and natural gas is an understatement. To say that the Republicans and Democrats are united in this aggressive U.S. military expansion in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe would also be an understatement.
The U.S. is sadly heading for resource wars at the very time we need to be moving away from dependence on fossil fuels and massively funding alternative technology development.
Because of the nature of the Global Network’s agenda, we are right smack in the middle of these issues. Our work against expansion of space technologies and our efforts calling for the conversion of the military industrial complex have long come from a simple analysis – if we want to stop current wars and prevent a space arms race and new wars then we must deal with the fact that the U.S. economy is addicted to military spending. If we don’t deal with the jobs issue, if we don’t create a new vision for the future that lies outside of “endless war” for oil, then we are likely to lose this critical struggle for peace.
In recent years the Global Network has begun to shift toward this strategy of helping to identify and promote a positive alternative vision for the future. We’ve been working with our members nationally and internationally to help bring back to life the idea of conversion of the global war machine so that we will have the collective resources to deal with the coming harsh effects of climate change. We have been encouraging the peace movement to make this specific demand on the political system; we’ve been challenging the environmental community to see the connections between enormous spending for endless war and the lack of funds to effectively deal with global warming; and we’ve been urging workers inside the weapons production facilities to begin to speak out in favor of converting their work places to build solar, wind power, and public transit systems that will provide their children and the future generations a chance for life on our Mother Earth.
We are living in the most trying time we can remember as activists. But it is also the most fertile time, as we see the general public casting about for answers to the dramatic problems that we face today. So while we have many obstacles, like the corporate domination of governments around the world, we also see the awakening of a consciousness among the people. Many have become despairing and disillusioned about the chances for change today. They have every right to see things as difficult as they truly are. But many people are also more determined than ever to dig in and make the kind of dramatic advances that we must have in order for real change to happen.
No matter who is elected as the next president of the U.S. in November we are going to have our work cut out for us. Everyone will need to get on-board the organizing train if we hope to bring sanity, peace, and sustainability to our world.
We truly hope the Global Network can continue to be part of this important movement to articulate and help bring about the positive changes that we must have. But for us to stay involved, we urgently need your financial help. For us to keep working alongside you tomorrow, we need your support today.
The Global Network has always worked hard on a very meager budget. We have prided ourselves in doing more with less since our founding in 1992.
Please take a moment and send us a donation of $25, $50, $75 or $100 today. You know that you will get your money’s worth out of us and you know that we will continue to stand by your side as we work together to build the new political culture and the new vision for the future that we so desperately need.
Best wishes to you always,
Bruce K. Gagnon
Mary Beth Sullivan
Outreach Coordinator
PS If you’d like to make a secure on-line credit card donation you can do so by using the red Donate Now! button on this blog site.
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
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