When asked if this in any way indicated that he had not been truthful with the American people Bush flew into a controlled rage. He finished his very crazy defensive remarks by bounding off the podium and through the back door of the press room. He knows now that he has been fully exposed. But even with that he still maintains that Iran must continue to be poked and prodded and tortured to ensure that they never, ever, even consider learning how to make a nuclear weapon.
Will that flimsy reasoning be enough to still attack Iran? With Bush-Cheney in power one can never say no.
The clear fact that Bush-Cheney have been caught once again manipulating public opinion in order to start another war has to be the straw that broke the camels back. This must be enough to weaken Bush-Cheney so that the Democrats will bring forward impeachment hearings. But will it happen. Not likely, as the Democrats would prefer to just have the B-C rotten corpse just hang in the wind and stink up Washington right up to the next election. But there is nothing more dangerous than a crazy wounded rat, or should I say, two crazy wounded rats.
I heard last night that 80% of Republicans in the state of Iowa still support Bush. That number is probably fairly consistent across the country. It indicates to me that the Bush-Cheney strategy is that as long as they still have the majority of their party on-board then that means they still can use the Republicans in Congress to block any effort to cut funding for the Iraq occupation or bring the troops home. Bush's base is sound and thus he can live for another day.
As an organizer I find that the Democrats are doing little to challenge Bush's base to move away from him. Unless the Republican base begins to feel the national heat of indictments for criminal activity there is no reason to abandon Bush. But if the Democrats began holding real impeachment hearings and brought forward substantial legal charges then you'd see the rats start jumping ship. The B-C pirate ship would then sink faster than a lobbyist getting a favor from a politician after giving them a campaign donation.
I still think it is quite conceivable that Bush (the out of control alcoholic) could attack Iran. His contempt for the American people, the media, the Congress, International law, and our Constitution is palpable. The only way to restrain him is to go after him with the full force of the law.
That means the pressure on the Democrats to impeach B-C must be dramatically escalated. The evidence is there to warrant impeachment.
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