I went down to city hall yesterday and changed my voter registration to Green Party so I can support Cynthia's campaign in my free time.
In a just-released video news release, Cynthia says "the Republicans have deceived us; the Democrats have failed us. It is time for a new beginning: A time for hope to rise from the ashes
of despair."
McKinney, a former Democrat from Georgia, was one of only three members of Congress to vote "yes" on a House Resolution in 2005 calling for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. One of her last acts in office was introducing Articles of Impeachment naming George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice.
I am beyond excited to see this announcement. There will now be a candidate in the 2008 election that we can count on to raise the issues of universal, single-payer health care; fair trade; support for the poor and working class; real environmental change; support for Katrina survivors in New Orleans; an end to the Iraq occupation and planning for endless war; and the creation of good jobs in America by investing in sustainable technologies that give the future generations a chance.
I think the McKinney campaign will go a long way in building something we do not currently have - a true progressive coalition of people of color, peace activists, women, and environmentalists.....something that is a must if we are ever to challenge the two wars parties for power.
I urge everyone to watch this campaign video announcement and to give serious consideration to supporting Cynthia's run for president. She will be supporting us. We should support her in return.
Check out her campaign web site at http://www.runcynthiarun.org/
For those of you who are supporting Rep. Dennis Kucinich in the Democratic party primaries keep doing it. He deserves your support. I just sent him a donation the other day. But I don't think his party will allow him to get the nomination and once we get to the general election in November , 2008 we will need another choice.
In the end, the way things are going now, we are all going to be together on the streets protesting the endless war cycle of the oligarchy.
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