Wednesday, June 26, 2024

US-NATO DU contamination still rages in Kosovo



My name is Dzafer Buzoli, environmental activist from Gracanica, Kosovo.

For over 9 years I am trying to report on depleted uranium (DU) issue and how it affected the community in Kosovo, huge cancer rates, leukemia and birth deformation are concerning, almost alarming which I am trying to raise an awareness, after my mother died of breast cancer, 8 members of close family and 14 neighbors passed away after short battle with cancer. In Kosovo we have been living on the place that nearest DU bomb was just 8 km far behind our house.
Unfortunately, Kosovo is NATO-friendly country, NATO is considered as mother and father of the Kosovo nation and the institutions, even they know how bad it is for their inhabitants, but they will never accuse NATO for bombing Kosovo with DU... however, following the years of 2021-2023 I was very much involved in decontamination of the DU bombed sites where with my team I have taken out contaminated soil and replaced it with healthy soil and planted grass on top; it was not a huge change but still something to heal my soul and feel like I have at least tried to do something for the place where I was born and raised. Although I got sick after the decontamination process but I feel fine now.

I also bought many inhalators/respirators and delivered them to the communities living near the DU sites who have problems with lungs, in fact every second person in Kosovo have some type of lung problem.
I would like to discuss with you about the possibility to get involved with your organization, I want to dedicate my life and work to prevent any future war which will destroy lives and planet in general. 

Also would like to join at conferences and other related events. If there is anything I can do to help with your projects, please let me know. I would be happy to serve and help!
Wishing you a good health, 

Dzafer Buzoli
Environmental Activist, Gracanica - Kosovo


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