Friday, June 21, 2024

Tech impacts on Mother Earth



Techno-ecocide: the systematic destruction of our ecosystem by the exploitive use of technology

While many have seen advertisements promoting 5G’s speedy wireless capacities connecting everything and everyone… and promises that these smart technologies will provide a renewable energy future, scientific research and environmental advocacy efforts shows the opposite of what these profit-driven industries promise—with hundreds of scientists, climate change activists, and public health experts demanding a moratorium on the rollout of these technologies.

Our mission is to support the global movement to rein in wireless expansion on Earth, in the skies and in the ocean because it poses an immediate threat to all life. It is our hope that we will bring greater public awareness about the harms of 5G, satellites, and “smart” oceans, and start a dialogue about wiser and more balanced technology options for a safer and more life-affirming future.

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