Friday, July 16, 2021

Selfishness - we are colonized



The loon cries
from the lonesome lake,
here in Maine,
the haunting,
but beautiful call
of life and love.
But the sound of the loon is not enough for everyone.
Some want to bottle the water the loon lives on.
Others want the land around the lake,
for their 'cottages'
which turn into 3-story mansions.
Something must be done 
with all that $$$,
gained by 
misbegotten deeds.
Corporate thievery.
We are colonized people,
watching the corporate approved news
on our flat-screen TV's.
Trees must be chopped down 
and minerals dug,
toxic runoff
kills the fish
and the loon.
are not immune either,
as they like to imagine.

Always must have more,
never satisfied,
never content,
always more,
the Moon and the night sky too...

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